8th Session of the WIPO Conversation on IP & Frontier Technologies: Generative AI and IP
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) will hold the Eighth Session of the WIPO Conversation on Intellectual Property and Frontier Technologies (formerly WIPO Conversation on IP and AI) on 20 and 21 September 2023.
The theme of the eighth session is “Generative AI and IP”, aiming to bring together stakeholders to discuss the challenges generative AI may pose to the IP system and inter alia helping to establish best practices for the protection of creative works in the digital age.
The agenda comprises the following topics:
- The Rapid Rise of Generative AI: Opportunities and Challenges Ahead
- What is Generative AI and what differentiates it from other AI models?
- Regulation of Generative AI: Do you feel the need… the need for speed? (Emerging Trends in Generative AI)
- Generative AI – A Jack of Many Trades? (Generative AI: Use Cases)
- A Mosaic of IP Issues: Painting the Full Picture of Generative AI and IP
- Access to training data: Exploring Text and Data Mining (TDM) Exceptions, Fair Use, and Moral Rights
- Authorship and Ownership of AI-generated Works: IP is all around
- The Impact of Generative AI on the Creative Industries – a Tool for Human Creativity or Creative Destruction?
- IP Strategies for Innovators and Creators in the Age of Generative AI
- Generative AI for IP Administration: Applications and Pitfalls
- How are Member States and IP Offices updating their guidelines to better accommodate IP issues related to Generative AI?
- How are IP Offices dealing with applications written by ChatGPT?
- Should IP laws be updated to reflect the use of Generative AI?
- How can governments ensure that the use of Generative AI does not stifle innovation or competition in creative industries?
The list of speakers is available here. The event will be held in a hybrid format. Registration was open for WIPO members & Observers (onsite) and a wider audience (virtual). If you haven’t registered, the live webcast of the session will be available here.
If you have a craving for more WIPO on IP and AI, do not forget to review here a list of sources at the bottom of the article.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.