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Friday 26 September 2008

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

Exitosas acciones contra la piratería

Resulta grato saber que en los últimos meses se han ejecutado eficazmente diversos operativos contra la piratería y falsificación en México.

La Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) ha estado muy activa persiguiendo y deteniendo a los implicados en diversos delitos contra los derechos de autor y la propiedad industrial.

Entre estos exitosos operativos encontramos el efectuado contra una red de ”Clonadores” de televisores de plasma, otro contra falsificadores de sillas, y, de especial relevancia, dos importantes decomisos de objetos apócrifos y videogramas, fonogramas y portadillas apócrifas en el conocido barrio de Tepito.

Esperamos que éste tipo de operativos sigan efectuándose con mayor frecuencia y consigan erradicar, aunque sea un poco, el grave problema de piratería y falsificación.
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Thursday 25 September 2008


Mexican plant breeders' rights: facts and figures

A useful article on plant breeders' rights in Mexico has recently been published, explaining the operation of the National Seed Inspection and Certification System (NSICS) which supervises the filing and grant of breeders' rights applications. Importantly for foreign applicants, it says that if the breeder has obtained the results of an examination by an authority abroad that formally collaborates with the NSCIS, such as the European Union's Community Plant Variety Office, the processing time for the corresponding Mexican application may be reduced if the applicant asks the NSCIS to take the examination results into account. If all necessary documentation is filed at the start, the process typically takes about one year.

The article also provides some data that shows the extent to which the Mexican protection system is used (as of September 2007):
"The NSICS's records show that 805 plant variety applications have been filed in Mexico, of which 37.6% were filed by US applicants and 33.5% by Mexican entities. Dutch, French and German applicants accounted for 11.9%, 8.4% and 3.5% of the applications, respectively. The NSICS has registered 184 applications for maize and 170 applications for roses - these high numbers are explained by the fact that maize originates in Mexico and by the country's wide range of climates for floriculture".
[source: "Plant Variety Protection System Continues to Bear Fruit", by Eric Alavez-Mejia (Becerril, Coca & Becerril SC, Mexico), writing in International Law Office].
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Monday 22 September 2008

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

Por el respeto a las ideas… los niños contra la piratería

Para crear conciencia entre la población del país sobre los derechos de propiedad industrial y los derechos de autor, así como de su protección por parte de las autoridades mexicanas, el Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI) lanzó la convocatoria para participar en la segunda edición del concurso de dibujo infantil.

El concurso de dibujo infantil, denominado Por el respeto de las ideas… los niños contra la piratería, no deja de ser otra curiosa forma que las autoridades están buscando para concientizar a los ciudadanos sobre los problemas y perjuicios que provoca la piratería.

Con este tipo de acciones, el IMPI busca inculcar en los niños mexicanos el valor y el respeto a los derechos de Propiedad Intelectual, toda vez que son ellos los futuros consumidores, productores, comerciantes y dirigentes de nuestro país.
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Prison in Paraguay: sentencing options are amended

Law 3440/08, which amends certain provisions of the Paraguayan Criminal Code, was promulgated this July and is expected to come into force in July 2009. It amends Article 184, which governs violations of IP rights. In respect of various infringing acts that have criminal consequences the maximum custodial sentence is raised from three years to five. Where 'special circumstances' exist, the maximum sentence is eight years. Such circumstances are where
* goods are made or commercialised on an industrial scale;

* the infringing goods have a high commercial value;

* the infringement causes substantial financial loss to the rights owner and

* the infringer has engaged minors under the age of 18 in the commission of the infringement.

[source: Mirta Miyasaki (Berkemeyer Attorneys and Counselors, Asuncion), writing in World Trademark Report].
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Friday 19 September 2008


Costa Rica gets first Central America Hilton Garden Inn franchise

Hilton Hotels Corporation has signed a multi-year management agreement with Hoteles Aeropuerto HAL SRL for the Hilton Garden Inn Liberia Airport, the first of this brand to open in Central America. Located in Liberia, Guanacaste (Costa Rica), this franchised hotel is scheduled for completion in autumn 2008. It is said to reflect "Hilton's commitment to grow its family of hotels throughout Latin America".

[source: MarketWatch].
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Tuesday 16 September 2008

José Carlos Vaz e Dias

Federal Court of Appeals Declares Null Schering’s Contraceptive Patent and Opens the Possibility to Question Pipeline Patents

In a recent decision issued by the Federal Court of Appeal, involving the Brazilian company LIBBS FARMACÊUTICA and the German company SCHERING AG, Schering’s patent relating to the contraceptive pill sold under the brand name Yasmin was invalidated. This pill is currently one of the market sales leader and one of Schering’s top brands.

The patent was granted through the pipeline system, which allows the patentability of pharmaceuticals inventions already commercialized in other markets, without the prior examination of the industrial application, novelty and inventive step of the invention.

The commercial interest in nullifying Schering’s patent comes from the fact that LIBBS FARMACÊUTICA markets in Brazil a birth control pill, so-called Elani for a lower price (almost 30% less), using the same patented active ingredient. Back to 2004, LIBBS FARMACÊUTICA sought before the Federal Court the nullity of Schering’s contraceptive patent based on the argument that its active ingredient did not involve an inventive step (novelty) and it was a second use patent. The 38th Chamber of the Federal Court ruled initially in favour of SCHERING and decided that the industrial property law did not require the examination of the patentability requirements of patents granted under the pipeline system.

This decision has been reversed in the Federal Court of Appeal based on the expert opinion issued by the Brazilian Patent Office that affirmed the lack of inventiveness of Schering’s patent. Accordingly, the Federal Court of Appeal understood that it should and must be possible to examine the patentability requirements of a patent granted under the pipeline system. If not, this would mean that the protection conferred to this invention would be regarded as “absolute” without attending the patentability requirements. Thus, the Court found that Schering’s patent lacked inventiveness and declared it null.

This case is not yet closed, since Schering may still appeal to the Superior Court of Justice in Brasilia.
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Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

Cancún la palabra mágica

En relación con nuestra entrada anterior respecto de la marca que lanzará la Secretaría de Turismo del DF para procurar una mejor imagen a la Ciudad de México, nuestro amigo Hugo Alday nos informa que el Estado de Quintana Roo a través de la SEDETUR y de los Fideicomisos que operan en los diversos destinos turísticos de esa entidad federativa, es punta de lanza en México en esta materia.

Así, la marca CANCÚN LA PALABRA MÁGICA & Diseño, ha tenido una enorme difusión, ha tenido una enorme difusión a nivel nacional desde el año de 1997 en que la empresa española THR Asesores en Turismo ganó la licitación internacional para crear dicha marca.

Hoy en día esta marca, cuya principal característica distintiva deviene de la estilización de una obra del dominio público como los glifos que se encuentran en las paredes del jaguar ubicadas en Chichén Itzá , se utiliza principalmente en clase 35 para promoción y publicidad oficial; encontrando esta marca prácticamente en todo el mundo, incluyendo la camiseta de uno de los equipos de futbol más antiguos de México como lo es el Atlante.

Existen otras marcas turísticas de Quintana Roo que se encuentran bien posicionadas en el mercado turístico mundial como RIVIERA MAYA, COSTA MAYA y CARIBE MEXICANO, mismas que siguen los pasos de CANCUN LA PALABRA MAGICA que hoy en día se encuentra protegida en diversas naciones, tales como Estados Unidos, China, Canadá, así como la Unión Europea, entre otros.

Gracias Hugo por tan interesante aportación.
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Monday 15 September 2008

Aurelio Lopez-Tarruella Martinez

Curso de postgrado de actualización en propiedad intelectual en la UBA

La Universidad de Buenos Aires vuelve a ofertar, para el segundo cuatrimestre, el Programa de Actualización en Derecho industrial, intelectual y de Mercado. El Programa, dirigido por la profesora Teodora Zamudio, se imparte en modalidad online (180 horas), en castellano, y cuenta, entre el profesorado, con Geovanna de Oliveira, la propia Teodora Zamudio o el colaborador de IP-Tango, A. Lopez-Tarruella. Las clases darán comienzo el 22 de septiembre.
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The rise of space technology: capacity and responsibility

Writing in Venezuelanalysis.com, Alex Sánchez (Council of Hemispheric Affairs, COHA) writes on the efforts being made in Latin America to cultivate a degree of technological competence that will lessen that region's traditional reliance on US space technology. In his article, "Space Technology Comes to Latin America: Part of the Hemisphere’s Road to Autonomy", he reviews the current space programmes of Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and Peru, both in terms of their current accomplishments and in terms of their medium and long-term objectives. He concludes:
"Some argue that, given Latin America's current state of poverty and economic inequality, founds allocated to space programs could be better utilized for national development in critical areas like agriculture, feeding the poor, or creating jobs. Other specialists argue that such programs are necessary in order to achieve Latin America's autonomy from the influence of the world's major powers, including the U.S. In addition, a space program does not automatically have to have a militarized edge to it; non-military uses like improved telecommunications are urgently required in a region whose geography includes both the Andes and the Amazon.

In the meantime, Latin American space programs will continue to be heavily depended on aid and technical assistance from nations with sophisticated economies and the necessary expertise and launch capabilities. Nevertheless, even in their current early stages, Latin American space programs have the possibility to change the security landscape of the region. Space is a way for a society to test its limits, but this must go hand in hand with responsible oversight by a civilian chain of command in each of the countries to make certain that these programs are not distorted by being militarized".
All of this seems to suggest that Latin America may be regarded as a ripe market for the licensing-in of various elements of space technology. The extent to which the suitability of such technologies for military use may substantially reduce the willingness of licensors to assist, even if the licences contain checks and balances to direct the technology's responsible use. However, given the obvious benefits for the region in terms of increasing communications capacity, the surge towards a stand-alone and self-supporting regional space technology may ultimately prove irresistable.
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Thursday 11 September 2008

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

Marca turística para la Ciudad de México.

El gobierno de la Ciudad de México lanzó un concurso internacional a través de Internet para dotar a la capital mexicana de una marca turística con la que sea identificada en el extranjero.

Debido a que en la actualidad la Ciudad de México es conocida a nivel internacional por la inseguridad que en ella se registra, la Secretaría de Turismo del Distrito Federal en coordinación con organismos empresariales, lanzó la convocatoria para el diseño de la marca de la ciudad. El propósito es dar hacia el exterior una imagen positiva, revertir los efectos de las noticias sobre inseguridad, y posicionar a la capital del país en el ramo turístico y de servicios, que en la actualidad representa 70% de su vocación.

El turismo está entre las cuatro principales actividades económicas de Ciudad de México, que acoge cada año en sus hoteles a 12 millones de turistas.

La convocatoria estará abierta hasta el 29 se septiembre. La intención del gobierno capitalino es cambiar la imagen de la ciudad como hicieron anteriormente las ciudades de Nueva York (“I Love NY”) y Bogota (“y tú ¿qué sabes de Bogotá?").
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Monday 8 September 2008


Brazil exports agricultural technology to developing world

According to China View, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is negotiating with Brazil to transfer its agricultural technology to other developing countries. According to the Brazilian authorities the US and Brazil agreed on a deal to transfer technologies developed by Embrapa -- the Brazilian Agricultural Research Council -- in order to help developing countries increase their output of corn, soy bean and wheat. Under this deal, technical know-how will be transferred to Angola and Mozambique as well as Central America. Brazil will provide technical assistance, training and technology transfer for countries that wish to improve their agricultural productivity.

The report does not mention the terms under which the Brazilian technical know-how is to be exported.
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Thursday 4 September 2008

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

Conflicto de marcas y concursos de belleza

Interesante asunto el que se sigue entre la empresa Miss Universo L.P., propiedad del conocido magnate Donald Trump y titular de las marcas MISS USA y MISS TEEN USA, y el señor Adan S. Pérez, venezolano, titular de las marcas Señorita México y Señorita México U.S.A.

De momento la Oficina de Marcas de los Estados Unidos (USPTO) se inclina a favor de la marca Señorita México U.S.A. (actualmente modificada a Señorita México U.S.) a pesar de la oposición presentada por Miss Universo, pues considera que la oponente no ha podido probar que el uso de la marca solicitada cause confusión al consumidor. Todos los antecedentes y novedades del caso pueden seguirse aquí.

Con independencia del conflicto ante la USPTO, Miss Universo ha interpuesto una demanda ante los Tribunales Federales del Estado de Nevada por violación de marcas.

El asunto promete una disputa larga cuyo resultado será seguramente igual de controvertido que el de los propios certámenes de bellezas.
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Tuesday 2 September 2008


No boom, and maybe bust ...

Yesterday this blog reported on the boom in the sale of luxury brands in Brazil. A very different opinion is that expressed by Glória Kalil who, in the late 1970s, was responsible for introducing the Italian brand Fiorucci to Brazil. In Brazzil Mag the text runs thus:
"We still do not have Brazilian brands, except for Havaianas and H. Stern, which are known outside the country," she claims. Finally, Glória calls attention to the fact that the domestic market is small for the brands regarded as luxury brands, and that the popular ones are faced with Chinese and Indian competition. "The outlook is bad, and I have been warning the sector and the government about that."
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Monday 1 September 2008

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

Guatemala aprueba Ley para el Conocimiento de las Comunicaciones y Firmas Electrónicas.

El pasado 25 de agosto fue aprobada por el Congreso de Guatemala la “Ley para el Reconocimiento de las Comunicaciones y Firmas Electrónicas” con lo cual ese país fortalece substancialmente su hasta entonces deficiente régimen jurídico de comercio electrónico.

A través de la entrada en vigencia de dicha ley se pretende dotar de certeza jurídica a la transmisión de mensajes y acuerdos a través de medios electrónicos, ya sea en territorio guatemalteco, como en aquellas comunicaciones transfronterizas contempladas.

De acuerdo con el documento aprobado por los diputados, de esta forma se está regulando la práctica del comercio electrónico.

Esta nueva legislación es parte del paquete de leyes complementarias al Tratado de Libre Comercio suscrito con EE.UU.
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Luxury goods sales soar in Brazil, as recession bites old world and US markets

According to the International Herald Tribune, while European luxury brands are suffering in many of their traditional markets, consumer-spending gloom has not yet affected buyers of high-end fashion, handbags, watches and other accessories in Brazil. For the first half of 2008, brands such as Hermès, Gucci and Tod's have all reported impressive earnings, meeting or exceeding market expectations. Sales have been particularly buoyant in countries like Brazil, Russia, India and China.

The sales figures quoted in this news item are all for the genuine product, as reported by the brand owners -- they give no indication as to the scale on which imitation and counterfeit products are being made and sold in those four countries.
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