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Wednesday 28 June 2017

Patricia Covarrubia

Sweet Colombia: bocadillo gets GI

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Few opportunities I have had to try all the beautiful food from Latin America. I mean, there are so many countries that it would be no possible for me to have tried everything from each country. So today I announce the granting of Denomination of Origin (DO ) to 'El bocadillo veleño'.

Back in 2012 the Association of producers Fedeveleños started to work towards this certification.
Image result for en que envuelven el bocadilloThe bocadillo veleño is a confectionery made of guava pulp, it is shaped in a small rectangular block, its consistency is firm and colour wise is reddish.they are wrapped in dry corn plant leaves. In Venezuela (my country) we also made similar confectionery but the Colombian one is in another league! I used to leave near the border with Colombia and this bocadillo was is my shopping list every time I crossed the border. I prefer to have it with a bit of white (fresh) cheese and sometime I put in in a blender with a glass of milk...Oh God! I was in heaven. [someone bring me some, pretty please]

The geographical link is established within the town of Vélez, Santander. This is the second DO granted in the region (the first one was Cafe Santarder) [another one in my list].

A ceremony is taking place this coming 30 June 2017  where the certificate will be granted.

More information here at the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC).

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Friday 16 June 2017

Rodrigo Ramirez Herrera @ramahr

Entrevista a Pedro Roffe, recién homenajeado en Ginebra por su contribución a la Propiedad Intelectual

"La transferencia de tecnología persiste como una asignatura pendiente de la comunidad internacional. Pero con el transcurso del tiempo no creo que sea constructivo insistir en que el norte le debe algo al sur. La tarea debe ser esencialmente doméstica, estableciendo las condiciones adecuadas para la absorción de la tecnología importada, apoyando la creación nacional" (Pedro Roffe)

Para muchos, el abogado chileno Pedro Roffe ha sido sinónimo de las discusiones sobre la transferencia de tecnología y los derechos de propiedad intelectual. Generaciones de negociadores comerciales, políticos, funcionarios internacionales, académicos y estudiantes de todo el mundo se han beneficiado de la profundidad de sus conocimientos, su experiencia y su visión en la búsqueda de lograr una mejor comprensión de la dinámica compleja en torno a estas cuestiones.

Como miembro del Centro Internacional de Comercio y Desarrollo Sustentable de Naciones Unidas ), ha contribuido en numerosos reportes de Naciones Unidas y publicó varios trabajos en revistas especializadas. Entre otros, este abogado de la Universidad de Chile, tiene estudios en la New York University, Amsterdam University y el Graduate Institute of International Studies (Geneva).

En la secretaría de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD), donde pasó la mayor parte de su carrera profesional, Roffe jugó un papel decisivo en las negociaciones sobre el Código Internacional de Conducta sobre Transferencia de Tecnología y es pionero en el debate sobre las implicaciones del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC para los países en desarrollo. Al salir de las Naciones Unidas, Roffe se unió al Centro Internacional de Comercio y Desarrollo Sostenible (ICTSD), donde, durante los últimos 15 años, dirigió un vasto cuerpo de investigación de políticas frente a las muchas dimensiones del sistema mundial de propiedad intelectual, y la identificación de nuevas direcciones y opciones de políticas para el desarrollo. Esta literatura influyente aborda los retos de la innovación y la propiedad intelectual en el contexto de los acuerdos de la OMC, la OMPI y de libre comercio con el objetivo explícito de facilitar el desarrollo sostenible y los objetivos de política pública.

Por sus méritos, organismos internacionales, encabezados por la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI), la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD), el mundo de la academia, el gobierno de Chile y la sociedad civil, participaron en una conferencia en Ginebra, Suiza, en su honor en reconocimiento de la trascedental labor que ha tenido como líder influyente en los debates globales que configuran el sistema internacional de propiedad intelectual, sobre todo, teniendo un destacado rol en un abanico de temas tales como la transferencia de tecnología, el comercio, el desarrollo, la inversión y la salud pública.

En una reciente entrevista es posible conocer aspectos de su concepción de la Propiedad Intelectual donde "el diálogo es fundamental para logar los equilibrios, citando por ejemplo la Constitución de los Estados Unidos y el Acuerdo de los ADPIC, que por varias consideraciones ha constituido un cambio copernicano en la evolución de la propiedad intelectual [y] donde, el equilibrio es central para hacer frente a cuestiones que la propiedad intelectual en el pasado no estaba habituada a lidiar. La propiedad intelectual ha dejado en el Siglo XXI de ser un estamento estanco, separada del resto de la sociedad y de las temáticas centrales que la movilizan. Cuestiones fundamentales tales como el acceso a la salud, al conocimiento y a los desafíos tales como el cambio climático que pasan, de un modo u otro, por un sistema de PI que responda a estos desafíos, ofreciendo soluciones y no ser un obstáculo a la satisfacción de estas necesidades propias del mundo contemporáneo".

El texto completo de la entrevista está disponible en este enlace.

Fuente: Constanza Zülch (Encargada de Comunicaciones del INAPI)
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Tuesday 6 June 2017

Patricia Covarrubia

Peruvian Pisco or Chilean Pisco: a world competition

This is some news that we got in here today: the Peruvian National Institute for the Defence of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) has announced that it is considering cancelling authorizations for the use of ‘Pisco’ Denomination of Origin (DO) and even initiating infringement procedures against ‘certified’ producers who participate in the contest "Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles" (Brussels Competition), taken place La Serena, Chile from 22 to 24 August 2017.

What is this about? The Peruvian ‘pisco’ will not be able to participate in this prestigious competence which rewards the best spirits in the world, unless their name is changed to ‘Peruvian Grape distillate’. INDECOPI rhetorically noted that not calling ‘pisco’ for its DO will denigrate the prestige and commercial value of the product.
Brussels competition changes annually, and this year taken effect in Chile, the authorities requested to change the rules so that the Peruvian producers of ‘pisco’ cannot participate in the category of pisco but can participate in the category of ‘Peruvian grape distillate’. This decision denies the possibility of  Peruvain ‘pisco’ participating in the category that corresponds to it and so, denying the use of its DO.

INDECOPI’s measure: it noted that by the Peruvian producers of pisco that by not been able to use theirs DO it will “weaken the defence of exclusivity over [their] denomination of origin and all the efforts that are channeled for the protection and promotion at the international level” therefore it considers that the most reasonable measure will be not to participate in this contest.
While the measure appears to be well intended and advisory, it also warned that if pisco producers participate in the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, INDECOPI may cancel the authorizations of use of DO to such producers. The measure comes after INDECOPI noticed that if they do so, it will “affect the prestige and commercial value” of Peruvian Pisco. This is so because it will “cause uncertainty regarding the quality of the product” since it will not need to have gone through the controls required for ‘pisco’ DO and all the restrictions of its regulation.

Finally it remarked that if Peruvian products were to obtain medals in the competition they could not display it in the Peruvian market, since these would not have been won in the 'pisco' category. If they do so, it would deceive consumers.

Why the change of rules in the competition? The battle over this term is not something new. Chilean Pisco vs Peruvian Pisco. As the competition is taking place in Chile one can guess that under the ‘pisco’ category only those product produced in accordance with the Chilean regulation will be considered.This has been ratified by the organizers explaining that "Chilean and Peruvian legislation does not recognize the “Pisco” denomination in the other country." Therefore Peruvian pisco to go through customs, it must be labelled as “grape spirit”.

Internationally for instance the EU recognizes Chilean Pisco and Peruvian Pisco as DOs. Yet, when the EU registered Peruvian pisco as a DO it acknowledged a previous trade agreement between Chile and the EU in which Pisco was recognized as a DO from Chile. The note clarifies that the protection granted to "Pisco" as a DO to Peru does not hinder the use of that name for products originating in Chile. Malasia recognizes Pisco as a DO from Peru as well as Costa Rica; Chile and Nicaragua recognizes Pisco as a DO from Chile.
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Monday 5 June 2017

Patricia Covarrubia

Peru: modernizing IP registration

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The Peruvian Intellectual Property Office (INDECOPI) announced that the Council of Ministers’ President approved the new Regulation of the National Registry of Copyright, including a ‘virtual’ system of registration of copyright and related rights. The new Regulation allows user to apply for registration 24 hours a day.

This new electronic system ‘unifies, simplifies and rationalizes the requirements to be asked of citizens, as it is part of the rules of simplification and rationalization of the administrative procedures’. INDECOPI gives some examples: the system of notifications will be done through an electronic  platform which requires the applicant to submit their e-mail which will be used for communications and so, speeding the process.

It is noted that one of the aims brought by this decree (No. 053-2017-PCM) is to incentive people to register their ‘intellectual, artistic, technical and scientific works.’

In the same vein, INDECOPI remembers the public that there is a free advisory platform specialized in copyright which is led by experts from the Copyright Office.

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