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¡Bienvenidos a nuestro blog de Derecho y Práctica de la Propiedad Intelectual en Latinoamérica!
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Monday 27 July 2020

Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo

Upcoming events on this week and more!


The Intellectual Property Center of the Austral University will hold the master class Legal Aspects of Platform Applications (in Spanish) on 28 July 2020. The speaker is Darío Veltani. Attendance is free, but you need to register here

On 29 July 2020, the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI), the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI), the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI Brazil) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) are offering the webinar The Importance of the Role of the Industrial Property Agent in Brazil. The speakers are Alvaro Loureiro Oliveira (ABAPI), Luiz Edgard Montaury Pimenta (ABPI), Claudio Vilar Furtado (INPI Brazil), and José Graça Aranha (WIPO). Paulo Afonso Pereira will moderate the session. 

Meanwhile, the webinar Non-traditional Trademarks (in Spanish) will also take place on 29 July 2020. The event is organized by the Mexican Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AMPPI). The speakers are Iliana Mier Hérnandez, Josúe Medina Campos and Mariana Vargas Macías. The moderator is Carolina Ponce. 

On the same day, it will be held the webinar Global Design Database: Practical Cases, which is organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). 

On 30 July 2020, the following webinars are scheduled: 
On 31 July 2020, the Peruvian National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) and the National Association of Inventors of Peru (ASONIP) are offering the webinar Patent Oppositions (in Spanish). The speaker is Diego Ortega (INDECOPI). 


The International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) is calling for submissions for the AIPPI Essay Prize

The theme of this year’s competition is COVID-19 and its impact on the world of IP. There are two prizes for AIPPI members and one for IP students. The first prize is 2,000 Swiss francs and complimentary registration for the AIPPI World Congress. The winners of the second and the student prize will receive 1,000 Swiss francs. The winning essays will be available on the AIPPI website. 

Complete submissions (the essay in English and the entry form) must be sent to publications@aippi.org before 1 September 2020 (5 pm CEST). Review here more information about the competition. 


Did you miss some events held the last week? The following are still available on-demand: 

If you have a craving for more, review the full list of events here

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Saturday 25 July 2020


INTA’s Digital Transformation

The International Trademark Association (INTA) held an exclusive meeting with the media at the beginning of this month. 

The meeting was the perfect opportunity to know about INTA’s Digital Transformation project. Etienne Sanz de Acedo (INTA’s CEO) provided an overview, highlighting the association had already considered moving to the virtual environment before the pandemic started.

Etienne indicated the project has four phases and it is marking major milestones:


The 2020 New York Conference was held online on 22 and 23 June 2020. Etienne explained the event was very successful and 250 participants attended the sessions. He also remarked the networking opportunities were well received by the attendees. Networking sessions were topic-focused and took place in small groups.


The new website involved a redo of the legal resources and a career centre for INTA’s members. In addition to this, the INTA bulletin was revamped, which now includes multimedia content and is published weekly. 


These meetings will be held online from 16 to 20 November 2020. Etienne showed a sneak peek of the virtual platform, which comprises inter alia the possibility to schedule one on one meetings through the user profile. 

The platform will also allow sorting the sessions per day or track. Live and on-demand sessions will have a theatre interface. Moreover, on-demand sessions will be available until the end of the year. 

Etienne also revealed some sessions dedicated to anti-counterfeiting and enforcement issues, workshops for advancing careers, as well as a China track, are all part of the program

INTA promises to engage the attendees. Etienne highlighted there will be plenty of networking opportunities, a strong virtual exhibition, and thought-provoking sessions on IP matters, all through the usage of a solid platform. 

Networking opportunities will comprise one on one meetings, table topics, speed networking and social sessions (e.g. meetups, wellness [yoga], tastings [wine, coffee], and sports). 

INTA expects the special prices will attract more attendees, including people who normally do not attend the annual meetings, such as younger associates and paralegals. The registration for attending the meetings is already open. You can find more information here

The exclusive meeting with the media concluded with the remark that INTA will maintain virtual activities post-pandemic. 

Credits: Images are courtesy of INTA
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Friday 24 July 2020

Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo

El servicio de pruebas digitales WIPO PROOF de la OMPI ya está disponible en español y francés

Como fue anunciado aquí, el 27 de mayo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI) puso en marcha su servicio en línea a nivel mundial WIPO PROOF, en idioma inglés.

Sin embargo, WIPO PROOF ya está disponible en español y francés desde ayer.

La OMPI ha confirmado que se podrá acceder al servicio en 10 idiomas, por lo que, se espera que las 7 versiones restantes se pongan en marcha en el transcurso del año 2020.

WIPO PROOF produce evidencia a prueba de manipulaciones con respecto a la existencia de un archivo digital en un tiempo determinado. Se puede acceder al mismo a través del Portal de PI de la OMPI en la categoría ‘Evidencia Digital´ y el sitio web dedicado a WIPO PROOF.

Si tienes curiosidad sobre el funcionamiento de WIPO PROOF, puedes consultar mi reporte aquí

Actualización (31-Julio-2020): La OMPI indicó que WIPO PROOF estará disponible en 9 idiomas para fin de año.

La imagen es cortesía de Riana Harvey.
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Wednesday 22 July 2020


¿Eres amante de los libros? ¡Gana libros electrónicos en español!

Como fue anunciado aquí aquí, recibimos algunos libros electrónicos de la Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch

En tal sentido, tenemos un libro electrónico de la siguiente obra:
La primera persona (suscrita al blog) que envíe un correo a la dirección iptangoblog@gmail.com será la ganadora de dicho libro electrónico. 

Agradecemos a la Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch y a los participantes, esperando que disfruten de las obras que fueron sorteadas en las últimas semanas.

Si no te has suscrito al blog o aún no nos sigues en Twitter, ¿qué esperas? 

Imagen del sitio web de la Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch.
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Monday 20 July 2020

Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo

Upcoming events on this week and more!


The Michigan State University’s Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection (A-CAPP Center) is holding the conference A Brand’s New World: The Future of Challenges in Brand Protection from 20 to 22 July 2020. The conference will address brand protection strategies and issues post-pandemic. The speakers include Hernan Albamonte (Philip Morris), Charles Olschanski (Tiffany), Cristina Posa (Amazon), Brian Fogarty (Nike), Lori Mayall (Gilead Sciences), Mike Gannon (3M), Mark Schildkraut (BD), Tara Steketee (Merck & Co.), Kasie Brill (GIPC), and Carolina Giuga (LEGO). Some moderators are Jeff Rojek (A-CAPP), Leah Evert-Burks (A-CAPP), and Kari Kammel (A-CAPP). The program and registration are available here

The Latin American International Arbitration Course (LAIAC) will take place from 20 July until 7 August 2020. The LAIAC is organized by the Geneva Center for International Dispute Settlement (CIDS). The program will cover procedural and substantive matters in commercial and investment arbitration. The course is addressed to lawyers, government, and public sector officials as well as advanced law students from Latin America and worldwide. The LAIAC will be instructed in English except for one lecture in Spanish. 

The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) is offering the online course Copyright and the Business of Creative Industries from 20 July to 16 August. The instructor is Marisa Gandelman. The course will be taught in Spanish and Portuguese

The third encounter of the Seminar Innovation and Intellectual Property in post-pandemic scenarios (in Spanish) will be held on 21 July 2020. The event is organized by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Industrial and Economic Law (CEIDIE) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires. The speakers are Diego Hurtado (MCyTArgentina), Eduardo Spitzer (Elea-Phoenix), Viviana Tellez Muñoz (South Centre), and Maximiliano Marzetti (CEIDIE-UBA). 

On 22 July 2020, it will take place the webinar The ABC of trademarks which is organized by the Mexican Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AMPPI). The speakers are Arturo González Martínez, Fernanda Díaz Aquino, and Flor Bermúdez Trejo. Catalina Lozada will moderate the session. 

The Foundation for Research on Law and Business (FIDE, acronym in Spanish) and the Transatlantic Intellectual Property Academy (TIPSA) will hold the Global Digital Encounters: IP Arbitration In A Digitally Enhanced World (Encounter 4), also on 22 July 2020. The event will provide an overview of the role of IP arbitration and mediation in a post-pandemic environment. The speakers are Catherine A. Rogers (Penn State Law) and Chung Nian Lam (WongPartnership). Ignacio de Castro (WIPO) will moderate the session. 

Meanwhile, the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI) is offering the webinar Online piracy in Brazil - Achievements and Challenges (in Portuguese) on 22 July 2020. The speakers are Daniel Steinmetz (Walt Disney), Alessandro Barreto (Ministry of Justice and Public Security), and Guilherme Farid Mischi Bou Chebl (PROCON-SP). 

On 23 July 2020, the following webinars are scheduled: 
  • Intellectual Property and Hackathons: Computer Program Registration, organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI). Opening speakers: Luiz Edgard Montaury Pimenta (ABPI) and José Graça Aranha (WIPO). Panellists: Gabriel Teixeira (1st  winner of Hackcovid19, computing category), Camila Perico (1st  winner of Hackcovid19, general category), and Helmar Alvares (INPI Brazil). Moderator: Patrícia Coimbra. 
  • Mediation under the WIPO Rules (in Spanish), organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The webinar will cover WIPO mediation rules for resolving IP and technology disputes. 
  • Cannabis regulation (in Spanish), organized by the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI). Speakers: Maritza Reátegui (Peru), Viviana Cervieri (Uruguay), and Guillermo Carey (Chile). Moderator: Armando Arenas (Mexico). 
On 24 July 2020, the webinar IP Key LA to Host Virtual Seminar on Industrial Design Rights, will take place. The event is organized by the IP Key Latin America, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), and the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM). The program will cover the benefits and advantages of the Hague Agreement as well as the experiences of EU, Spain, and Mexico in such regard. A certificate of attendance will be provided. Register here

On the same day, the webinar Most remarkable judgments issued by the Court of Justice of the Andean Community (in Spanish) will be held. The webinar is organized by the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI), the Ecuadorian Intellectual Property Association (AEPI), the Colombian Association of Industrial Property (ACPI), and the Peruvian Association of Industrial Property and Copyright (APPI). The speakers are Hugo Gómez Apac (Court of Justice of the Andean Community, Peru), Gustavo García Brito (Court of Justice of the Andean Community, Bolivia), Marcos Mercado D., María del Carmen Arana, Andrés Rincón and Sasha Mandakovic. María Rosa Fabara will moderate the session. Register here


The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is conducting a survey on blockchain and IP ecosystem. The purpose is to “gather information for a Blockchain Whitepaper that will identify how blockchain technology can contribute to establishing a robust, streamlined, cost-effective, inclusive, and transparent IP ecosystem in the era of digital transformation”. The deadline to participate is 31 July 2020

The whitepaper project is carried out by the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) Blockchain Task Force and involves a webinar series on the subject. The first webinar took place on 25 June 2020 (as announced here). The remaining two webinars will be held in the following months for discussing the survey’s findings and the content of the whitepaper. Review here more information on the webinar series. 


Did you miss some events held the last week? The following are still available on-demand: 

If you have a craving for more, review the full list of events here

Image of Free-Photos on Pixabay.
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Wednesday 15 July 2020


¿Eres amante de los libros? ¡Gana libros electrónicos en español!

Como fue anunciado aquí y aquí, recibimos algunos libros electrónicos de la Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch, los cuales serán sorteados entre nuestros lectores. 

En tal sentido, tenemos cincos libros electrónicos disponibles de la siguiente obra: 
Las tres primeras personas (suscritas al blog) que envíen un correo a la dirección iptangoblog@gmail.com y las dos primeras (que sean seguidoras,ores) que publiquen un comentario en Twitter, serán las ganadoras de dichos libros electrónicos. 

Aún tenemos un libro electrónico de las obras anunciadas aquí, por lo que, no olvides estar al pendiente del artículo que será publicado el próximo miércoles. 

Si no te has suscrito al blog o aún no nos sigues en Twitter, ¿qué esperas? 

Imagen del sitio web de la Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch.
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Monday 13 July 2020

Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo

Upcoming events on this week and more!


The European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) are holding the conference Shaping tomorrow: 3D printing and its impact on IP from 13 to 16 July 2020. The first sessions already took place which included the presentation of the new EPO’s study on patents and trends in 3D printing technologies. Some speakers of the remaining sessions are Virginie Fossoul (European Commission), Heli Pihlajamaa (EPO), Rosa Maria Ballardini (University of Lapland), and Cristian Fracassi (Isinnova). Watch here the full recording of the first day and the live stream of the remaining sessions. 

On 14 July 2020, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI Brazil), the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI), and the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI) are offering the webinar Intellectual Property 4.0: IP in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? (in Portuguese). The opening speakers are Luiz Edgard Montaury Pimenta (ABPI), José Graça Aranha (WIPO), and Fabiano Barreto (CNI). The panellists are Alexandre Pfeifer (IBM) and Fabiano Barreto (CNI). Vagner Latsch (INPI) will moderate the session. 

The International Chamber of Commerce of Mexico (ICC Mexico) will hold the seminar The new Industrial Property Law (in Spanish) from 14 to 16 July 2020. The program will cover the amendments on trademarks, patents and enforcement issues. Some speakers are Juan Lozano Tovar (IMPI), Claus von Wobeser (ICC Mexico), Oscar Estrada Chávez (Federal Court, IP Specialised Bench), Luz María Anaya Domínguez (Federal Court, IP Specialised Bench), Juan Antonio Rodríguez Corona (Federal Court, IP Specialised Bench), Paola Franco Abarca (IMPI), and Karen Orivio (Novartis). 

The webinar Federal Copyright Law - Opportunities and security: INDAUTOR (in Spanish) will take place on 14 and 16 July 2020. The event is organized by the Mexican Centre for Protection and Promotion of Copyright (CeMPro), the National Chamber of the Mexican Publishing Industry (CANIEM), and editamos. The speakers are Hugo Contreras Lamadrid (INDAUTOR), Jesus Parets (INDAUTOR), Alberto Arenas (INDAUTOR), Claudia Pérez (INDAUTOR) and Quetzalli de la Concha (CeMPro).

On 16 July 2020, the following webinars are scheduled: 
On 17 July 2020, the webinar Intellectual Property in Mexico: Tips for Protecting and Managing your IPRs in Unprecedented Times will take place. The event is organized by the IP Key Latin America and Latin America IP SME Helpdesk. Some speakers are Martin Schlötelburg and Sergio Rangel. 

FIDE | TIPSA. Global Digital Encounters: IP Arbitration in a Digitally Enhanced World 

The Foundation for Research on Law and Business (FIDE, acronym in Spanish) and the Transatlantic Intellectual Property Academy (TIPSA) announced the Global Digital Encounters: IP Arbitration in a Digitally Enhanced World (Encounter 4) will be held online on 22 July 2020

The event will provide an overview of the role of IP arbitration and mediation in a post-pandemic environment. The speakers are Catherine A. Rogers (Penn State Law) and Chung Nian Lam (WongPartnership). Ignacio de Castro (WIPO) will moderate the session. More information here


Did you miss some events held the last week? The following are still available on-demand: 

If you have a craving for more, review the full list of events here

Image of metalurgiamontemar0 on Pixabay.
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Friday 10 July 2020

Patricia Covarrubia

Colombia: smell [successful] coffee

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SIC, the Colombian IPO office recently published a short graphic noting Colombian's coffees that have successfully been registered as Denominations of Origin.

Every morning, before I even brush my teeth, I enjoy an espresso. I not only enjoy the taste, but the smell of fresh coffee is very pleasant. I am use to strong coffee, (being Venezuelan with an Italian husband) and actually, I was raised in a farm that on my teenager years was just harvesting coffee beans – what a wonderful time (except the mosquito bites).

I am, by nature please to see how farmers and their respective associations try to protect their products and with it, their farms, their people, their family. I do also understand (as academic and researcher) that no everything is gold at the end of the rainbow when we discuss Geographical Indications. However, just the fact that farmers unite for a common aim, for me, it is a successful goal. Sharing good practices and feeling part of a community is extremely important. In this regard, I see the value of the product as it is explained by the Lisbon Agreement when referring to appellation of origin – a human factor.

SIC explain DO as ‘a sign that is directly related to the community and in which associativity plays a role of special importance’ – I could not agree more. Colombian DOs are defined in Decision 486, which is the Andean Community legislation (equivalent to ‘Regulation’ in EU law) and nationally, under Resolution No 57530. The spirit and the wording of the texts are similar to the one noted as Appellation of Origin under the Lisbon Agreement because they include the natural factors of the region focusing on human factors such as traditional knowledge and methods of elaboration.

Up to today, Colombia has registered as Denomination of Origin SEVEN coffees. And please, if you are taking notes, it is Colombia (country), no Columbia (US state). [I was so heart broken when I saw the final publication of a chapter in a book that I was involved with, that the editorial decided to change Colombia for Columbia !! (that is another story to tell you later)]. Anyways, all started with ‘Café de Colombia’ (2005) which was the first DO in Colombia itself but also the first foreign DO registered in the EU (what an achievement). This opened the door to other farmers that saw the benefits. In 2011, TWO coffees were granted DO: ‘Café de Nariño’ and ‘Café de Cauca’; [I wrote a chapter in a book (not the one that edited Colombia) covering a case study on Café de Narino and a company that wanted to registered as a trade mark such name in Spain [published online by Inter-America Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI)]. In 2013, ‘Café de Huila’ and 2014, ‘Café de Santander’ successfully registered their DOs. The last TWO were granted on the same date, 30 January 2017 to ‘Café de Tolima’ and ‘Café de Sierra Nevada’.

Way to go Colombia!
The graphic can be seen here.
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Patricia Covarrubia

Brazil: Distance learning courses

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From the Brazilian IPO (INPI) we heard that applications are open for two forthcoming Distance Learning courses (online).

The courses advertised by the Academy of Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development at INPI offers the course in partnership with WIPO and such applications are open till July 24.
The two courses are called ‘advance’:
1.- "Search for Patent Information - DL 318P BR”; and
2.- "Basic Notions of Writing Patent Applications - DL 320PBR ".

Registration fees are U $ 40.00 for students and U $ 60.00 for professionals
INPI notes that they are scholarships on offer for employees of government institutions.

The courses start on August 18th and ends
on November 27th 2020.

More info here.
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Wednesday 8 July 2020


¿Eres amante de los libros? ¡Gana libros electrónicos en español!

Como fue anunciado aquí y aquí, recibimos algunos libros electrónicos de la Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch, los cuales serán sorteados entre nuestros lectores. 

En tal sentido, tenemos dos libros electrónicos disponibles de la siguiente obra: 
La primera persona (suscrita al blog) que envíe un correo a la dirección iptangoblog@gmail.com y la primera (que sea seguidora,or en Twitter) que publique un comentario en el Tweet que refiera este artículo, serán las ganadoras de dichos libros electrónicos. 

Aún tenemos más libros electrónicos de las obras anunciadas aquí, por lo que, no olvides estar al pendiente del artículo que será publicado el próximo miércoles. 

Si no te has suscrito al blog o aún no nos sigues en Twitter, ¿qué esperas? 

Imagen del sitio web de la Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch.
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¿Eres amante de los libros? Títulos de las obras y dinámicas para ganar libros electrónicos en español

Como fue anunciado aquí, recibimos algunos libros electrónicos de la Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch, los cuales serán sorteados entre nuestros lectores. 

Los títulos de las obras y las dinámicas de los sorteos ya fueron anunciados en nuestra cuenta de Twitter

Las obras abordan diversos temas en Propiedad Intelectual y han sido escritas por renombrados autores en la materia: 
En tal sentido, cada miércoles publicaremos un artículo en el blog, indicado los libros electrónicos disponibles para suscriptores y seguidores en Twitter. 

Considerando las diferencias horarias, dicho artículo será publicado después de medio día (horario de países latinoamericanos y verano del este -EDT-) y 20:00 (Hora central europea -CET-). 

Si no te has suscrito al blog o aún no nos sigues en Twitter, ¿qué esperas? 

Imagen de StockSnap en Pixabay.
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Tuesday 7 July 2020

Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo

Upcoming events on this week and more!


The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) will hold the second session of the WIPO Conversation on IP and AI from 7 to 9 July 2020. The virtual meeting will gather WIPO’s member states and “other stakeholders to discuss the impact of AI on IP”. The speakers are Mr Francis Gurry (WIPO), H.E. Mr François Rivasseau (France), H.E. Mr Omar Sultan Al Olama (United Arab Emirates), Professor Ahmed Elgammal (Rutgers University), Judge Klaus Grabinski (Germany), Dr Santosh Mohanty (India), and Judge Kathleen O’Malley (United States of America). The list of interventions can be reviewed here. Live stream here.

The second encounter of the Seminar Innovation and Intellectual Property in post-pandemic scenarios (in Spanish) will take place on 7 July 2020. The event is organized by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Industrial and Economic Law (CEIDIE) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires. It will cover IP, food, and agriculture in light of a post-pandemic environment. The speakers are Roxana Blasetti (CEIDIE), Rafael Pérez Miranda (UAM) and Lautaro Viscay (REAF-MERCOSUR). 

On the same day, the webinar Domain Name Arbitration will be streamed on YouTube. The event is organized by the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI), the Transatlantic Intellectual Property Academy (TIPSA), and WIPO. The speakers are Luiza Berbigier Alves (WIPO) and Joe Sekhon (University of Portsmouth). Professor Laurent Manderieux (TIPSA) will moderate the session. 

On 8 July 2020, the All Star Webinar: IP Management and Digitalisation with CEIPI and all International IPR SME Helpdesks and the Japan Technology Transfer Helpdesk will be held. The event is addressed to “professionals in medium-sized technologies companies, law firms and IP offices”. The webinar will cover the role of IP in digital business models and provide some examples of case studies concerning Europe, China, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Japan. Register here

Meanwhile, WIPO and the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) are offering the webinar Current Trends in WIPO Mediation and Arbitration for Intellectual Property and Technology Disputes also on 8 July 2020. The event will cover inter alia, the usage of online case management tools, the use of technology for meetings and hearings, as well as the impact of the pandemic on contractual issues. The speakers and moderators are Ignacio de Castro (AIPPI), Aurélia Marie, Jean-Christophe Troussel, and Arno Hold (AIPPI). 

On 9 July 2020, the webinar Chemical-Biological Inventions implemented by computer, a multidisciplinary approach (in Spanish) will take place. The event is organized by the Mexican Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AMPPI). The speakers are Claudia Campos, Dariana Rodríguez, Helena Sánchez, Manuel López, María Cabrera, Marina Castro, and Pablo Fuentes. Víctor Garrido will moderate the session. 

The following events already started but will continue until the end of next week: 
  • 6 - 16 July. Seminar: Analysis of the new legislation on Intellectual Property (in Spanish), organized by AMPPI. Some speakers: Horacio Rangel, Orlando Pérez, Salvador Behar, Juan A. Dorantes, Eugenio Pérez, Nahanny Canal, Enriqueta Molina, Enrique Díaz, Vianney Romo de Vivar, Roberto Arochi, Mauricio Jalife, Juan L. Serrano, Alejandro Luna, Adolfo Athié, José Luis Caballero, Luis Schmidt, and Manuel Guerra. You can still register for the remaining sessions. Some moderators: Eryck Castillo, Fernando Becerril, Nuria Becerril, and Martin Michaus, More information here
  • 6 - 17 July. WIPO - Mexico Summer School on Intellectual Property (in Spanish), organized by WIPO. Some speakers: Juan Lozano (IMPI), Sherif Saadallah (WIPO), Isaac Lucatero (ITESM), Isabella Pimentel (WIPO), Marco Alemán (WIPO), Paolo Lanteri (WIPO), Leandro Toscano (WIPO), Jennifer Chicoski (USPTO), Juan Antonio Rodríguez Corona (Federal Court, IP Specialised Bench), Manuel Desantes (University of Alicante), Guillermo Pous, Heidi Lindner, and Kiyoshi Tsuru. Watch the opening here

Conference “Shaping tomorrow: 3D printing and its impact on IP” 

The European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) announced the conference Shaping tomorrow: 3D printing and its impact on IP will be held online from 13 to 16 July 2020

The conference will address how 3D Printing may challenge the IP system. The speakers include António Campinos (EPO), Christian Archambeau (EUIPO), Charles W. Hull (3D Systems), Virginie Fossoul (European Commission), Heli Pihlajamaa (EPO), Rosa Maria Ballardini (University of Lapland), and Cristian Fracassi (Isinnova). The event is free but you need to register here


Did you miss some events held the last week? The following are still available on-demand: 

If you have a craving for more, review the full list of events here

Image: WIPO's official account on Twitter.
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