IPTango was created in 2008 by Professor Jeremy Phillips with the aim to "provide free, reliable, and -if possible- entertaining information" about Intellectual Property Law and practice in Latin America.
The blog has received over 1,760,000 page views since its creation and is a major source of intellectual property information in Latin America with contributions both in Spanish and English.
Some IPTango moves:
* Listed as one of the "Best blogs on Intellectual and Industrial Property". The University of Alicante Intellectual Property & Information Technology Project (UAIPIT).
* One of the only two Latin American blogs listed in the "Top 100 Intellectual Property Blogs". Feedspot, as of May 2021.
* Listed as one of the "Top 15 Blogs For An Intellectual Property (IP) Enthusiasts". Buzzfeed, January 2017.
* Listed as one of the "World's Best IP Blogs". BananaIP.com, December 2015.
* Listed as one of the "Top 15 Blogs For An Intellectual Property (IP) Enthusiasts". Buzzfeed, January 2017.
* Listed as one of the "World's Best IP Blogs". BananaIP.com, December 2015.
* IPTango founder Professor Jeremy Phillips was listed as one of the Managing Intellectual Property magazine's "Fifty Most Influential People" of 2005, 2011, 2013, and 2014.
* Listed as one of the "Influential intellectual property blawgs". A Dictionary of Intellectual Property Law by Peter Groves, 2011.
* Listed as one of the "Communities of Blawgers". Los blogs jurídicos y la web 2.0. para la difusión y la enseñanza del derecho by Gonzalo Ramírez Cleves, 2010.
* Listed as one of the "Influential intellectual property blawgs". A Dictionary of Intellectual Property Law by Peter Groves, 2011.
* Listed as one of the "Communities of Blawgers". Los blogs jurídicos y la web 2.0. para la difusión y la enseñanza del derecho by Gonzalo Ramírez Cleves, 2010.
IPTango aims to foster discussions of IP matters in Latin America from an academic and practical perspective. Thus, we welcome guest submissions. However, articles for commercial or self-promotional are not published. You will find more information on the Policies page.
The articles published by the IPTango team members are their views and do not constitute any support, opinion or endorsement by their employers, institutions or associations they are affiliated with.
The articles published by the IPTango team members are their views and do not constitute any support, opinion or endorsement by their employers, institutions or associations they are affiliated with.
Information about IP events (e.g. conferences, webinars, courses), book reviews and press announcements should be sent to the IPTango team.
For notice and takedown matters requested by IPRs holders concerning the blog content, please contact the IPTango team.
For notice and takedown matters requested by IPRs holders concerning the blog content, please contact the IPTango team.