Sunday, 27 September 2020

Friday, 25 September 2020

WIPO Lex – Sentencias: ¡Se pone en marcha la base de datos mundial gratuita sobre resoluciones judiciales!
- Australia (10 resoluciones)
- Brasil (36 resoluciones)
- Chile (50 resoluciones)
- China (30 resoluciones)
- Costa Rica (83 resoluciones)
- España (34 resoluciones)
- Jamaica (11 resoluciones)
- México (76 resoluciones)
- Perú (72 resoluciones)
- República de Corea (20 resoluciones)
- País
- Materia (p. ej., derechos de autor, patentes, marcas, observancia de las leyes de PI, indicaciones geográficas, competencia, conocimientos tradicionales, expresiones culturales tradicionales, transferencia de tecnología)
- Órgano emisor (p. ej., Sala Especializada en Propiedad Intelectual, Suprema Corte)
- Instancia (primera instancia, apelación e instancia final)
- Tipo de procedimiento (administrativo, civil, comercial, constitucional, contencioso administrativo, penal)
- Legislación nacional relevante
- Tratados relevantes
- Fecha de la sentencia
- Palabras clave
Monday, 21 September 2020

Upcoming events on this week! [21 – 27 September 2020]
- 14 September. Opening lecture: ASIPI: An Academy to lead change (in Spanish), organized by the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI). Speaker: Professor Manuel Desantes (University of Alicante).
- 15 September. Webinar: Intellectual Property Management in Sports Events (in Portuguese and Spanish), organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI). Opening speakers: Luiz Edgard Montaury Pimenta (ABPI) and José Graça Aranha (WIPO). Panellists: Carlos Castro (International Olympic Committee) and Vicente Rosenfeld (FIFA). Moderator: Luiz Edgard Montaury Pimenta.
- 15 September. Launch of Innovation Cooperation Project Brazil - Denmark, organized by the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI Brazil), the Danish Innovation Center (ICDK) and the Royal Danish Embassy in Brasília. Speakers: Carlos Da Costa (Ministry of Economy), Cláudio Furtado (INPI Brazil), Nicolai Prytz (Ambassador to Brazil), Sune Stampe Sørensen (Danish Patent and Trademark Office), José Graça Aranha (WIPO), and Carlos Américo (FAPESP).
- 16 September. Webinar: Regional Courts specialized in IP matters (in Portuguese), organized by the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI). Opening speaker: Roner Fabris. Panellists: Ney Wiedemann Neto (TJRS), Alexandre Kosby Boeira (Regional Court of Novo Hamburgo) and Márcia Nunes de Barros (Federal Court).
- 16 - 18 September. The WIPO Conference on the Global Digital Content Market. Some speakers: Francis Gurry (WIPO), Ivan Duque (President of Colombia), Toomas Hendrik (President of Estonia), Wishnutama Kusubandio (Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Indonesia), Eddy Maroun (Anghami), José Antonio Aboumrad (Claro Sports), Björn Ulvaeus (ABBA | Music Rights Awareness Foundation), and Refik Anadol (Media Artist, Turkey). The full program and the list of speakers are available here.
- 17 September. Webinar: What is the OEM doctrine and why it is important for avoiding a trademark infringement in China? (in English and Spanish), organized by the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI). Speakers: Aaron Hurvitz (USA), Daniel de Prado (China), and Gordiano Casas (China). Moderator: Andrés Grunewaldt.
Monday, 14 September 2020

Upcoming events on this week!
- 9 September. Webinar: The future of intellectual property in the age of hybrid technologies (in Spanish), organized by the Permanent Seminar on Intellectual Property 2020-2 (SEPEPI) of the Legal Research Institute (IIJ) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Speaker: Professor Manuel Desantes (University of Alicante).
- 9 September. Webinar: Industrial Designs for Brazilian Users and Stakeholders (in English), organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI Brazil) and the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI). Panellists: Jessamyn Honculada (WIPO), Max Germeil (WIPO) and Eduardo Rodrigues Rio (INPI Brazil). Moderator: Ricardo Pinho.
- 10 September. Webinar: Restriction measures to the use of trademarks (in English and Spanish), organized by the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI). Speakers: Ron Cregan (UK), Antonella Salgueiro (Paraguay) and Luis Diez Canseco (Peru). Moderator: María Rosa Fabara.
- 11 September. Webinar: Web-users as creators. Legal aspects from a copyright perspective (in Spanish), organized by IP Time. Speaker: Pablo Solines Moreno (Ecuador).

Peru joins the WIPO’s Inventor Assistance Program
Sunday, 13 September 2020

WTO Trade Economist Thematic Award
- “trade policy responses to COVID-19, their design and effectiveness
- the impact of measures adopted during the pandemic on goods and services trade
- trade policy and trade effects of COVID-19 on small and medium-sized enterprises, women and rural areas.”
Friday, 11 September 2020

Today! Don't forget the 'event' TK and IP
As noted early on the week under 'upcoming events on this week', today is the day to attend the webinar by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) E-commerce and Intellectual Property for Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Entrepreneurs.
I will be in attendance, will you?
The majority, if not all of our countries in Latin America are rich in genetic resources and traditional knowledge. Many do indeed protect traditional handicraft under Geographical Indications and for instance, Panama has a sui generis Law 20 (2020) which aims to protect TK and TCEs.
In Brazil, there are many local products that have benefited from GI protection (as a sui generis system), and some of them were globally seen in the Olympic games Rio 2016 (opening ceremony). Here you can see a very helpful map of GIs in Brazil.
In Colombia, there are 11 Denominations of Origin granted to handicraft, one of them is the weaving products 'Wayuu' referring to the Wayuu indigenous people. Check out (here) the list of DOs already granted in Colombia.
For more inside in how TK is seen as economic activity, check out this paper (available here) that I wrote back in March 2019 (IIC). Remember, GI has the potential to benefit rural communities, but there is some instance that there is no gold at the end of the rainbow.
Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Upcoming events on this week!

- 31 August - 3 September. Online Seminar on the Analysis of the Amendments to Intellectual Property in Mexico (in Spanish), organized by the Seminar of Patents, Trademarks and Copyright of the Faculty of Law of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Some speakers: Geidy Lung (WIPO), Carmen Arteaga (UNAM), Hugo Contreras Lamadrid (INDAUTOR), Kiyoshi Tsuru, José Luis Caballero, Martín Michaus, Mauricio Jalife, Fernando Becerril, Bernardo Herrerías, and Gastón Esquivel. Watch the panel I here; panel II and III here and here; panel IV and V here; panel VI and VII here.
- 1 September. Webinar: Medical Technology and Application of Artificial Intelligence: Overview and Regulatory Framework (in Portuguese), organized by the Paulista Association of Intellectual Property (ASPI). Speakers: Patrícia Peck Pinheiro, Elza Durham and Gilberto Takata. Moderators: Gil Meizler and Eliane Beltrame.
- 2 September. Webinar: Financing Tools for Health Innovation (in English and Spanish), organized by the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance). Speakers: María Apólito (Argentina), Juan Manuel Giner González (Argentina) and Carmelo M. Gordian (United States of America).
- 2 September. Webinar: The Innovation System of Paraná (in Portuguese), organized by the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI). Opening speakers: Maria Inez Araujo de Abreu (CESA) and Juliana L.B. Viegas (USP). Panellists: Aldo Nelson Bona (SETI) and José Maurino de Oliveira Martins (SEPARTEC). Moderator: Claudia Crisostimo.
- 2 September. The opening lecture of the Course: Strategic management of trademarks portfolio (in Portuguese), organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI). The theme of the opening lecture was the International Trademark System. Speakers: José Graça Aranha (WIPO), Kone Cesário (UFRJ) and Luciany Pelisson Creado Becker (OAB PR).
- 3 September. Webinar: Online dispute resolution for IP issues (in Spanish), organized by the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI). Speakers: Leandro Toscano (WIPO), Paul Corral (Catholic University of Ecuador) and Javier Fernández-Lasquetty. Moderator: Mary Fernández Rodríguez.
- 3 September. Webinar: Anti-discrimination compliance in the fashion industry - measures and clauses for adequacy (in Portuguese), organized by the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI) and OAB Rio de Janeiro (the Order of Attorneys of Brazil). Speakers: Humberto Adami (OAB), Fabricio Oliveira (UFF) and Ana Paula de Paula (CDMD). Moderators: Deborah Portillo (CDMD) and Renata Lisboa (CDMD).
- 4 September. Webinar: General principles applicable to Copyright contracts* (in Spanish), organized by IP Time. Speaker: Professor Delia Lipszyc.
Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Brazil: new patent priority examination

INPI already has available 14 types of priority applications, that is, procedures in place. With the two new additions, INPI has ‘16 types of priority procedure available, 14 for the general public and two for public entities’. INPI notes that the period for decisions of priority examination, counted from the application date, was done in 13.1 months (July 2020).
The move to prioritize these two was based on the following:
- Application with technology resulting from public funding: to ‘speed up the development of new technologies, given that investments in innovation impose high risks and uncertainties for the viability of new projects.’ INPI notes that ‘public funding agencies have been important drivers of innovation.’
- Applications with technology already available on the market: to ‘promote an increase in legal certainty, with a consequent improvement in the business environment in Brazil.’ INPI notes that it is ‘possible to request the prioritization of the exam by third parties interested in the technology, also stimulating the innovative process.’
Monday, 7 September 2020

UTP y ASIPI: Segunda Edición del Moot Court de Propiedad Intelectual
Sunday, 6 September 2020

WIPO GREEN: Call for nominations of young researchers and entrepreneurs

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

El Índice Mundial de Innovación de 2020: Latinoamérica y el Caribe
- “La crisis derivada de la COVID-19 ha afectado al panorama de la innovación en un momento en que esta prosperaba.
- [E]l dinero para financiar los proyectos innovadores se está agotando. Las iniciativas de capital riesgo están disminuyendo drásticamente en América del Norte, Asia y Europa.
- La repercusión de esta falta de financiación de la innovación será desigual, y los efectos negativos se dejarán sentir con mayor fuerza en las primeras etapas de las iniciativas de capital riesgo, en las empresas emergentes con un alto grado de I+D y en los países que no suelen ser focos de atracción del capital riesgo.
- La crisis derivada de la COVID-19 ya ha impulsado la innovación en numerosos sectores, nuevos y tradicionales, como la salud, la educación, el turismo y el comercio minorista.”
- Chile (Lugar del GII: 54)
- México (Lugar del GII: 55)
- Costa Rica (Lugar del GII: 56)
- Brasil (Lugar del GII: 62)
- Colombia (Lugar del GII: 68)
- Uruguay (Lugar del GII: 69)
- Jamaica (Lugar del GII: 72)
- Panamá (Lugar del GII: 73)
- Perú (Lugar del GII: 76)
- Argentina (Lugar del GII: 80)
- República Dominicana (Lugar del GII: 90)
- El Salvador (Lugar del GII: 92)
- Paraguay (Lugar del GII: 97)
- Trinidad y Tobago (Lugar del GII: 98)
- Ecuador (Lugar del GII: 99)
- Honduras (Lugar del GII: 103)
- Bolivia (Lugar del GII: 105)
- Guatemala (Lugar del GII: 106)