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Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Patricia Covarrubia

Mexico Federal Copyright: to change

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Image result for marrakech wipoMr José Luis Alvarez, trade mark agent from Mexican Consulting & Development, SC, inform us the following:
Mexico has been one of the twenty countries that have signed up to the Treaty of Marrakesh. Nowadays globalization has caused our legal environment to adhere to international treaties that protect human rights. In this context, the Treaty of Marrakesh is one of them, since the purpose of this instrument is to allow access to people who lack some visual acuity or who suffer from blindness, to published works focused on this segment of the population.
The signing of this treaty seeks to address the scarcity of material that is easily accessible to this population group. Mexico is among the 20 countries that signed the treaty, achieving the standards of countries such as India, El Salvador, South Korea, Australia, Israel, Chile, Ecuador, North Korea, among others. This is how Mexico has committed to reform the federal copyright law which must consider an exception or limitation regarding the right to distribution, reproduction and public availability to access audiovisual works or books.
This treaty allows the parties involved to import and export copies in an easier and more accessible way for this segment of the population. With regard to importation as soon as our legislation is adapted in relation to this treaty, a copy may be accessed without the authorization of the holder of the rights.
Thanks for the information.

Patricia Covarrubia

Patricia Covarrubia