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Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Patricia Covarrubia

Colombia: the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce assumed IBEPI's Presidency

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Since 01st January 2019, The Colombian Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) has assumed Pro Tempore, the Presidency of the Ibero-American Program on Industrial Property and Development Promotion (IBEPI). The programme subscribed to the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) brings together the Intellectual Property National Offices of 14 countries of the region, including: Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Dominican Republic and Colombia.

The IBEPI focuses on the promotion of the use of intellectual property as a tool for competition and development in the industrial, commercial and research areas of Ibero-American countries. Its general objective is the promotion of development of Ibero-American societies through the strategic use of intellectual property in support of public policies; it aims to use it as a tool for competitiveness in the commercial, industrial and research sectors of the region.

The program is currently developing five lines of action which will be promoted and articulated through the year. This include: (i) Technological Information, (ii) Modernization of Offices, creation of Human Resources and Training; (iii) Communications, CIBEYME and Advise to Users; (iv) Observance of Rights; and (v) International Cooperation with other Intellectual Property Programmes.

Sources SIC and IBEPI.

Post written by
Lina Marcela Tello Perlaza
Lawyer (Icesi University, Cali Colombia)
LLM in International Commercial Law (Brunel University, London UK)
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Friday, 22 February 2019

Patricia Covarrubia

Brazil: Geographical Indication gets e-application running

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Yesterday, 21th February, 2019 the Brazilian Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) has made available the electronic system for Geographical Indications (GIs). This was approved by Resolution No. 233 of January 18, 2019.

The system aims to speed the process and allows the applicant to file the petition from any place and any day of the week. Through the system, you could get assistance on how to complete the forms.
The system is available by using the same login and password registered in the (Union Collection Guide GRU) if you have one. If not, then you need to obtain a GRU number which is payable – you need to do so before starting the application.

A user’s guide can be found here.

The Industrial Property Law no. 9279/96, sets up the system for GI protection in Brazil. The law distinguishes between 2 types of GIs: Indication of Source (Indicação de Procedência) and Appellation of Origin (Denominação de Origem).
The INPI has registered 51 Indicação de Procedência (all nationals)  and 20 DOs (9 of them are nationals).

They are:
Alta Mogiana
Altos Montes
Cachoeiro de Itapemirim
Cariri Paraibano
Colônia Witmarsum
Costa Negra
Cruzeiro do Sul
Divina Pastora
Litoral Norte Gaúcho
Manguezais de Alagoas
Mara Rosa
Microrregião de Abaíra
Monte Belo
Norte Pioneiro do Paraná
Oeste do Paraná
Pampa Gaúcho da Campanha Meridional
Pedro II
Pinto Bandeira
Porto Digital
Região de Corupá
Região da Serra da Mantiqueira
Região das Lagoas Mundaú-Manguaba
Região do Pinhal
Região de Própolis Verde
Região de Salinas
Região do Cerrado Mineiro (DO)
Região do Cerrado Mineiro(IP)
Região do Jalapão
Região Pedra Carijó
Região Pedra Cinza
Região Pedra Madeira
Região de São Bento de Urânia
Rio Negro
São João del Rei
São Matheus
São Tiago
Sul da Bahia
Vales da Uva Goethe
Vale do Submédio São Francisco
Vale dos Sinos
Vale dos Vinhedos(DO)
Vale dos Vinhedos(IP)
Venda Nova do Imigrante

Source, the INPI.
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