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Thursday 25 August 2022

Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo

6th Session of the WIPO Conversation on IP & Frontier Technologies: AI Inventions

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) will hold the Sixth Session of the WIPO Conversation on Intellectual Property and Frontier Technologies (formerly WIPO Conversation on IP and AI) from 21 to 22 September 2022.

The theme of the sixth session is “AI Inventions”, aiming to share information and build awareness around patent examination practices, tools, and guidelines for AI inventions. As such, it will be addressed:

  • What are the market trends, and how do these translate in terms of patent applications?
  • How autonomous is AI?
  • What role does it play as part of the inventive process or as an invention?
  • What questions does this raise for the IP system? 
  • How are IP Offices supporting AI inventors?

The provisional agenda is available here. The event will be held in a hybrid format. Registration is free and now open for WIPO members & Observers (onsite) and a wider audience (virtual)!

If you would like to participate in the Sixth Session by making a statement or a presentation, send an email to frontier.tech@wipo.int before 18 September 2022. Such participation is open to the Member States, IP Offices, and all participants (open floor intervention).

If you have a craving for more WIPO on IP and AI, do not forget to review here a list of sources at the bottom of the article.

Image by Tung Nguyen from Pixabay.

Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo

Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo