On Monday, August 16, 2010 the producers of the Vale dos Vinhedos (Valley of the Vineyards) entered an application to the Brazil Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) to register the region as a Denomination of Origin (also known in Brazil as Appellation of Origin).
Back in 2002, the name was registered as an Indicação de Procedência (indication of source) - the first GI granted by the INPI. The goal is to transform it in a Denomination of Origin. In Brazil these two forms are Geographical Indication (GI), but the latter is more valued because it depends on proof that the product has special characteristics due to geographic factors and human.
Since obtaining the Indication of Source, the INPI reports that there has been a great boost in tourism (which grew over 300% in this period) and on local production (the number of wineries has grown from 15 to 31). Besides the domestic market, the goal is to invest in exports.
The legal competence of the INPI, in respect of geographical indications, is born with the Industrial Property Law, Law No. 9279, May 14, 1996, under Title IV. Added to this, INPI promulgated Resolution No 075 which establishes the procedures for the registration of GIs. The INPI not only makes the registration, but also provide guidance and assistance directly to producers and service providers concerned.
Brazil is a signatory of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, the Madrid Agreement on Indications of Source and the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
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