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Friday, 27 February 2009

Aurelio Lopez-Tarruella Martinez

Presente y futuro de las marcas estadounidenses en Cuba

La presente noticia llega de la mano de Guillermo Navarro, abogado de PI en Argentina: "Marcas EEUU esperan pacientemente su desembarco en Cuba". Se trata de un análisis de un curioso fenómeno: a pesar del...

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Thursday, 26 February 2009

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

Congresos Internacionales UAIPIT

No ha pasado ni un mes desde que el nuestros queridos amigos de UAIPIT celebraron con gran éxito su I Congreso Internacional sobre la protección de la propiedad industrial e intelectual en la actual sociedad...

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Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

México: Proceso de registro de una marca, no afecta los derechos del titular de otra marca previamente registrada

La Primera Sala de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación resolvió que el procedimiento para registrar una marca ante el Instituto Mexicano de Propiedad Industrial (IMPI), no significa que se afecten los derechos...

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Tuesday, 24 February 2009

José Carlos Vaz e Dias

Coca-Cola Beats the Crisis and Announces a New Set of Investment in Brazil: A Trademark Case to Study

Today, Tuesday, February 24th, is officially the last day of Carnival in Brazil!!! The streets of Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Recife and other main Brazilian cities are crowded with people celebrating and taking part in...

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Monday, 23 February 2009


Criminal provisions for trade mark infringement in Argentina

An article ("The Battle against Trademark Piracy") in International Law Office, by Daniel R Zuccherino, of Obligado & Cia, summarises among other things the position regarding the criminal law of trade mark infringement in Argentina....

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Friday, 20 February 2009


Argentina makes it 50 for Locarno

From Locarno Notification No. 63 we learn of the deposit by the Government of the Argentine Republic, on February 9, 2009, of its instrument of accession to the Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for...

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Thursday, 19 February 2009

José Carlos Vaz e Dias

Farming GMO and biotech inventions in Brazil

Nowadays, it is estimated that farms using GMO represent nearly 125 million acres of land growing in Brazil. Compared to 2007, the use of GMO in agriculture in 2008 increased almost 10%.According to recent data...

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Wednesday, 18 February 2009

José Carlos Vaz e Dias

Brazil's Antitrust Counsel to Decide Leading Patent Pool Case

On January 27, 2009 the Administrative Council for the Economic Defense (CADE), which is the Brazilian antitrust agency, released a public official report on a case involving IP rights and antitrust law enforcement.Two Brazilian companies...

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Monday, 16 February 2009


Brazil, HIV/AIDS and domestic patent policy

Older women face a higher risk of HIV/AIDS, according to a recent survey by the Brazilian Health Ministry. Remarkably the HIV infection rate in women over 50 in the country has more than tripled since...

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Tuesday, 10 February 2009


Freedom of transit -- or risk of profiteering?

ISCTD reports that the Brazilian ambassador to the World Trade Organization has condemned the European Union for seizing a shipment of generic drugs that was bound for Brazil, claiming that the move “sets a dangerous...

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Monday, 9 February 2009

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

La piratería aumentará 20% en México y EU.

En el marco de un foro sobre Propiedad Intelectual celebrado en Monterrey, Nuevo León, el director ejecutivo de la Cámara Americana de Comercio, aseguró que de acuerdo con un estudio de este organismo la "piratería"...

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Wednesday, 4 February 2009


Two recent copyright articles

The February 2009 issue of Copyright World contains two articles that deal specifically with aspects of IP in Latin America. They are * "Brazil: Copyright and the Digital Age: the legal position on downloading videos"...

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Monday, 2 February 2009


Mexico considers new patent reform bills

The Mexican Senate is currently considering two bills to amend its Industrial Property Law. One proposes a fundamental review of the law, while the other aims to introduce a procedure for opposing patent grants and...

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