From July 2011, the Brazilian Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) is testing a method which will help users of the patent system. The system called ‘e-Patentes/carta patente’ allows users to access ‘Cartas Patentes’ (patent letters) or ‘Certificados de Adição de Invenção’ (Certificates of Addition of Invention) granted in accordance with Article 38 of Law 9279/96. They are available as PDF files and digital certification.
This is, according to the report brought by INPI, a further step towards full implementation of e-Patents to external users in 2012.
The system is being tested and initially the data entered into the system is ‘Cartas Patentes’ or ‘Certificados de Adição de Invenção’ granted and published in the Journal of Industrial Property No.2080, ie from 16 November 2010. By the end of July, the system will include the decisions published in the Journal of Industrial Property No 1972, ie from 21 October 2008.
The existing procedure of requesting hard copy will still exist as an alternative to the electronic system.
Click here to access this new system.
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