Under the theme "Peruvian ingenious: engine of development", the Peruvian Institute of free competence and intellectual property (INDECOPI) granted some collective marks. The said marks were addressed to rural farmers in the cities of: Abancay (for home noodles), Huancavelica (for native potatoes) and Lambayeque (for craft made with native cotton).
These products are grown or made in traditional ways.
The registration of the collective marks was the product of an alliance with AGRORURAL, Ministry of Agriculture, and UN Agency for Industrial Development Unit (UNIDO). INDECOPI informs that through the IP system, it has directly benefited 748 entrepreneurial rural families. It is claimed that the collective marks would help in the development and strengthening of these rural enterprises and moreover, it would bring benefits to the communities involved.
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Peru: Collective marks for traditional products
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