GI: does it help?
‘Sello de Origen’ (Label of Origin) is a Chilean program developed by the Ministry of Economy together with INAPI. The aim is to provide resources for those interested in applying for their product to be...
‘Sello de Origen’ (Label of Origin) is a Chilean program developed by the Ministry of Economy together with INAPI. The aim is to provide resources for those interested in applying for their product to be...
Uniformar criterios, discutir y analizar el actual desarrollo del sistema PCT, y proponer mejoras con el objeto de aumentar la calidad de los servicios prestados por las Autoridades Internacionales y por el sistema PCT...
The Brazilian Instituto Nacional da Propiedade Industrial has released the ‘official balance sheet’ containing the statistic of its service for 2015. It is reported that the balance sheet was produced and prepared by the Economic...
From Peru we heard that another collective society had failed. Last week we covered that INDECOPI’s Copyright Commission sanctioned INTER ARTIS Peru due to “not submitting documentation that would determine the rates set by that...
El Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI), hizo entrega en Tepatitlán de Morelos, Jalisco, de la Presentación de la Certificación como Autoridad Internacional de Depósito de la Colección de Microorganismos del Centro Nacional...
The longest 9 months I have encountered with! The Brazilian Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial INPI has launched the "Prioritário BR". This project seeks to speed the patent application process. The aim is to...
From Peru we heard that the Institute of anti-competition and intellectual property (INDECOPI) has sanctioned a collective society for copyright infringement and violation of the Law on Performers (Law No. 2813). The INDECOPI’s Copyright Commission...