The Asociación Interamericana de Propiedad Intelectual ((Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property) (ASIPI) has partnered with oriGIn (Organisation for an International Geographical Indications Network) to increase cooperation on Geographical Indications (GIs). And while this news may be a bit old by 3 months we are starting to see how the project is building up.
In principle the plan is to “exchange information on GIs and related issues”. But going further as to promote, through networks, initiatives that support GIs. While for oriGIn the partnership is considered to “further promote the GI concept in the Americas”, on the other side of the pond it is seen as a great opportunity to acquire the knowledge and experience that Europa has – it is not only a matter of legislation but also practice. For example, in a recent fair (October 2016) called SAIL (International Food Exhibition) in Paris, the French Authorities seized a series of products that were either bearing or evocative of Protected Designation of Origins (PDOs). This ex-officio action is a European obligation for the protection of GIs which allows prompt action and withdraw of infringing products.
Going back to the start of this project, the signatures in the partnership did not even dried when the ASIPI’s Sub-Committee for GIs was already organising a special publication which aims to compile administrative and judicial resolutions on GIs. The idea behind this is to make judicial decisions and administrative resolutions more accessible to any party interested.
I am fortunate enough to be collaborating in the special publication and I welcome any input or suggestion of cases/decisions you would like to have at hand.
For more information please contact Ninoshka Urrutia, Abogado y Notario / Attorney at Law, Socia / Partner, Consortium Legal – Guatemala.
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