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Monday 5 June 2017

Patricia Covarrubia

Peru: modernizing IP registration

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The Peruvian Intellectual Property Office (INDECOPI) announced that the Council of Ministers’ President approved the new Regulation of the National Registry of Copyright, including a ‘virtual’ system of registration of copyright and related rights. The new Regulation allows user to apply for registration 24 hours a day.

This new electronic system ‘unifies, simplifies and rationalizes the requirements to be asked of citizens, as it is part of the rules of simplification and rationalization of the administrative procedures’. INDECOPI gives some examples: the system of notifications will be done through an electronic  platform which requires the applicant to submit their e-mail which will be used for communications and so, speeding the process.

It is noted that one of the aims brought by this decree (No. 053-2017-PCM) is to incentive people to register their ‘intellectual, artistic, technical and scientific works.’

In the same vein, INDECOPI remembers the public that there is a free advisory platform specialized in copyright which is led by experts from the Copyright Office.

Patricia Covarrubia

Patricia Covarrubia