The fifth edition of The TRIPS Agreement, Drafting History and Analysis, written by Professor Daniel Gervais (Vanderbilt University), was recently published.
- Updated and restructured comments on each article of the agreement.
- A review of the latest reports by the Appellate Body and dispute-settlement panels.
- Updated data on notification under the agreement.
- A new section entitled The Life of TRIPS which covers work undertaken at the WTO on the agreement and ongoing discussions, organised by topic, including those on biotechnology, access to medicine, geographical indications and transfers of technology.
- New perspectives on the future of TRIPS and its interpretation.
- A clearer and easier to navigate format.”
The new edition “comes at a crucial period. It has been substantially updated, restructured and published in the aftermath of the landmark Australia tobacco plain packaging dispute and its subsequent appeals – the single most important case concerning the TRIPS Agreement in recent time”.
The author highlighted that the new edition “is a major rewrite”. It has a new “structure and all article comments updated” as well as a “new foreword by Antony Taubman” (WTO).
Credit: the image is courtesy of Sweet & Maxwell.