El Salvador accedes to TLT
By TLT Notification No. 49 the World Intellectual Property Organization has announced the deposit by the Government of the Republic of El Salvador, on 14 August 2008, of its instrument of accession to the Trademark...
By TLT Notification No. 49 the World Intellectual Property Organization has announced the deposit by the Government of the Republic of El Salvador, on 14 August 2008, of its instrument of accession to the Trademark...
PR-Inside reports that Brazil yesterday formally asked the World Trade Organization for permission to impose up to US$4 billion in annual sanctions against goods and services originating from the US in order to penalize the...
The Federal Court of Appeal of the 2nd Region (the so-called TRF) rendered a decision on 12 August 2008 confirming that the Brazilian Trademark Office (INPI) is the sole agency that is empowered to recognize...
7 News reports from Belize on the seventh annual US Embassy exhibition, “Made in the USA”, to encourage Belizean importers to buy more. According to the report, Robert Dieter (US Ambassador to Belize) said: “Belize...
Wine and spirits giant Pernod Ricard is reported to be planning a major marketing drive to increase the popularity and sales of Argentina's Graffigna wine brand in the UK. New packaging and a shift to...
From José Barreda (Barreda Moller, Lima, Peru) the IP Tango weblog has learned of Decision 689 -- the New Andean Rules on Industrial Property. According to Mr Barreda, "The Commission of the Andean Community has...
The Argentine Consumer Protection Law (Law 22,240), first enacted in 1993, was amended by Law 26,361 in March of this year. This law, which cannot be contracted out of, renders a trade mark owner liable...
The Life Sciences Intellectual Property Review is a new periodical published by Newton Media. The first issue contains an article by Otto Banho Licks (Momsen Leonardos & Cia, Brazil) on developments in Brazil concerning the...
Today's issue of the International Trademark Association's INTA Bulletin (vol.63, no.15) carries an update on appellations of origin and geographical indications in Mexiso by Mexican lawyers Ignacio Domínguez-Torrado (Uhthoff, Gomez Vega & Uhthoff), Jose-Juan Méndez...
Business News Americas carries an interview with Ian Wenig (Senior Director, Zoho) on software as a service in Latin America. This feature discusses the benefits of using open source and free software as the basis...
PR-Inside has published a note on Generic Drugs Market in Brazil (2007-2011), a Companies and Markets report. The report itself mentions that emerging economic power Brazil is stamping its identity strongly upon the generic drugs...
The IBLS Internet-Law News Portal has recently posted a useful English-language summary by Martha Arias of Chile's Industrial Property Law 19.039 of 1991. This article touches on the background to the law, its structure, the...
Writing in BrandChannel this week, Randall Frost ("Emerging Nations Cultivate Agricultural Brands") discusses the branding of agricultural produce. In this context the success of Brazil in branding its coffees and wine products is specifically mentioned....
In June of this year NIC Argentina, the organization responsible for Argentine domain name regisrations, announced the launch of the new .tur.ar subdomain for tourism-related registrants. This followed the signing of an agreement between the...
By TLT Notification No. 48 the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has announced the deposit by the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica of its instrument of ratification of the 1994 Trademark Law Treaty....
According to the latest Market Watch forecast, the Chilean pharmaceutical market has grown by a robust 14.8% in US dollar terms in 2008 and by 9.2% in local currency terms. The report, which is mainly...
IMPI, the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, has issued a series of decisions that impose time limits on cancellation actions, taking the view that an action for trade mark cancellation must be brought within a...