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Friday, 27 May 2011

Aurelio Lopez-Tarruella Martinez

Conferencia: "PI como herramienta para promover la innovación desde la Universidad", Panamá, 7-8 julio 2011

La Red de Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial en Latinoamérica y el Proyecto PILA-Network, ha organizado la Conferencia Internacional “Propiedad Intelectual como herramienta para promover la innovación desde la Universidad: de la teoría a la práctica”, que tendrá lugar en Ciudad de Panamá los días 7 y 8 de julio 2011.

Esta Conferencia reúne especialistas e interesados en el tema de innovación en las universidades, tanto del área académica y ciencia, tecnología e innovación, así como del área gubernamental y empresarial. El objetivo es discutir los principales desafíos políticos y de gestión, y compartir experiencias recientes, que amplíen y difundan conocimiento sobre la implementación de la propiedad intelectual como herramienta de innovación y competitividad en las universidades de Latinoamérica.

El evento contará con la presencia de expertos y líderes de importantes organismos internacionales como CEPAL (Comisión Económica para América Latina), OMPI (Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual) y EPO (Oficina Europea de Patentes), así como universidades, organismos públicos, oficinas de registro de DPI y empresas innovadoras de al menos 27 países de Latinoamérica y Europa, quienes intercambiarán sus experiencias en los siguientes ejes temáticos:

- Competitividad e Innovación para el desarrollo económico y social
- Las Universidades: actores clave en la generación del conocimiento
- Red PILA: una plataforma para potenciar el papel de las Universidades en los sistemas de innovación de América Latina
- Realidades de la gestión de PI en las universidades: políticas institucionales y procesos claves
- Desafíos y oportunidades emergentes para la gestión del conocimiento en las universidades
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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Patricia Covarrubia

TV and Radio signal in Hotel rooms under Brazilian Copyright

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Hotels that have radios, televisions or similar devices installed in their rooms should pay royalties to the Central Bureau of Collection and Distribution (ECAD). A hotel in Porto Alegre brought an action for declaration of...

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Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Patricia Covarrubia

Brazil’s role and intention during pandemics

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During a meeting of the World Health Assembly, being held in Geneva since last Friday 20, the member countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) reached an agreement on the sharing of viruses and benefits...

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Friday, 20 May 2011


Chile ramps up WIPO commitments.

There's so much happening in Chile at the moment -- and the country is also gearing up its commitment to international treaties. WIPO has just confirmed Chile's accession to the Budapest Treaty on the International...

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Patricia Covarrubia

Brazil: modernization of the Copyright Act

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The Minister of Culture is holding a seminar in Brasilia to finalize the preparation of the Draft Law. To this regards, the Ministry of Culture is accepting applications for interested parties to participate in the...

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Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Rodrigo Ramirez Herrera @ramahr

Se resolvió litigio de marcas Kiowa / Cohiba

Conforme informamos en un anterior post, el 18 de enero de 2011 tuvo lugar la vista del recurso de anulación presentado el 9 de junio de 2008 por Corporación Habanos S.A. contra la OAMI de...

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Rodrigo Ramirez Herrera @ramahr

Chile: Senado aprueba UPOV 91

Por 13 votos a favor, 5 en contra y 6 abstenciones, la Sala del Senado aprobó en general y en particular el proyecto de acuerdo, en segundo trámite, relativo al "Convenio Internacional para la Protección...

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Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Patricia Covarrubia

Mexico: forged alcohol beverages receive more than a hangover

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The Federal Criminal Process Judge of the Second District Court in charge of the criminal case 185/2008-II, sentenced two individuals for committing the crime of forgery of trade marks with three years imprisonment. According to...

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Patricia Covarrubia

INPI postpones request for GI

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The Brazilian Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industriale (INPI) has decided to grant Geographical Indication for a variation of the coffee produced in the Region of Mantiqueira, however, it informed that there is still some administration...

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Monday, 16 May 2011

Rodrigo Ramirez Herrera @ramahr

Chile: Cursos e-learning sobre Propiedad Industrial (INAPI)

El Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Industrial de Chile (INAPI) ha puesto a disposición del público los primeros cursos e-learning en materias de Propiedad Industrial. Los interesados podrán acceder al sitio web AULA INAPI, dónde podrán...

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Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

Argentina: Taringa sancionada por violar Derechos de Autor

Quien no ha escuchado hablar del sitio web Taringa? Otro de las diversas opciones que hay para acceder a descargas directas de todo tipo de archivos, como música, películas, series, etc-Pues bien, dicha web...

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Monday, 9 May 2011

Aurelio Lopez-Tarruella Martinez

Sistema de oposiciones en México: ¿una necesidad?

Juan Ángel Garza Vite desde la firma mexicana Vite, Toxqui & Castro, S.C. y la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, así como Ángel Diez Bajo, nos hacen llegar el artículo titulado "Sistema de Oposiciones en...

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Friday, 6 May 2011

Rodrigo Ramirez Herrera @ramahr

República Dominicana y España se potencian como Marcas

En el "Foro Marca País 2011" el ministro de Industria y Comercio de República Dominicana planteó la necesidad que el Gobierno y el sector privado definan una "Marca País" con la que República Dominicana promocione...

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Rodrigo Ramirez Herrera @ramahr

Simposio Mundial sobre IG's en Perú

En la ciudad de Lima, Perú, entre el 22 al 24 de junio de 2011 tendrá lugar el Simposio Mundial sobre Indicaciones Geográficas organizado por la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI), el Instituto...

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Rodrigo Ramirez Herrera @ramahr

Chile: Primera solicitud de IG de producto marítimo

En el Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Industrial (INAPI ) se presentó hoy la primera solicitud de registro en Chile como Indicación Geográfica (IG) para un producto marítimo, la "Langosta de Juan Fernández", mediante una iniciativa coordinada...

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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Rodrigo Ramirez Herrera @ramahr

Chile remains on the Priority Watch List

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) released its annual Special 301 Report on the adequacy and effectiveness of U.S. trading partners’ protection of intellectual property rights.(IPR). Despite its efforts Chile remains on...

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Patricia Covarrubia

Colombia celebrates book fair in all shapes

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Today, 4th May, opens the 24th International Book Fair of Bogota, in Colombia. To mark this event, there will be a seminar entitled ‘The market for copyright licensing in the Digital Environment ’, which is...

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Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Patricia Covarrubia

e-opinion: good news for users of the patent system

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Starting today, May the 3er, users of the patent system can have access to the expertise orders on the website of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Office (INPI); this is so by means of the e-opinion...

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Rodrigo Ramirez Herrera @ramahr

¿Qué es la Marca País?

El concepto "Marca País" no es jurídico. Un concepto jurídico, como fenómeno normativo, es un enunciado que produce consecuencias jurídicas, es decir, obliga, prohíbe o permite. Tampoco es un concepto que, en un sentido intensional, contenga una...

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Monday, 2 May 2011

Rodrigo Ramirez Herrera @ramahr

Chile: I Seminario de Cooperación en Exámenes Proyecto PROSUR 2011

Entre el 25 y 28 de Abril tuvo lugar en Santiago de Chile el I Seminario de Cooperación en Exámenes Proyecto PROSUR 2011. El evento internacional financiado por la OMPI convocó a examinadores del área mecánica...

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Sunday, 1 May 2011


INAPI launches fresh initiative to promote "tools for IP protection"

According to a recent press release, the Chilean intellectual property office INAPI, in collaboration with other institutions, launched this week a campaign to promote the tools for protection of intellectual property in Chile. The release runs as follows:
"Protect your idea. Protect your creation. Know and use the tools of intellectual property protection in Chile ", that is the name of the campaign launched by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI) of Ministry of Economy, with the support of other institutions responsible for IP rights in Chile, such as the Investigation Police (PDI), Customs, the Copyrights Office and Public Security Division of the Ministry of Interior.

The presentation took place in the framework of the seminar: "Intellectual Property Protection in Chile: Progresses and Challenges" held at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, in which representatives of the private and public sector, experts and stakeholders in general, met to discuss the different instruments that Chile has to protect and promote these rights.

In the event, organized by the INAPI, the first to present was Manuel Zárate Campos, Deputy Director of the Specialized Unit on Economic Crimes Prosecutor's Office, after whom came Javier Ramírez Andersen Legal Branch of the National Customs Service, Pablo Cariola from the law firm Sargent & Krahn, Catalina Navarro Soffia, Coordinator of the Public- Private Committee of Security of the Ministry of Interior, and finally, Roberto Villarroel, Deputy Commissioner of the Crime Investigation Brigade of Intellectual Property (BRIDEPI) of the Investigation Police of Chile.

"In my role as National Director INAPI, I have been often asked what to do or what tools exist against those who are marketing counterfeit or pirated goods. This question, seemingly simple, has a not so simple answer. The enforcement system is composed by different rules and various actors, which often complicated the understanding that users may have of this system, "said Director of INAPI, Maximiliano Santa Cruz .

For this reason, INAPI has prepared a website (http://www.inapi.cl/protegetuidea/) of educational topics, which collects all of them in one place, and is intended to be used by all institutions dealing with these issues which are currently scattered in different places.

"Our invitation is to unify the incentives for those who use or start using the IP system. Through this campaign we want to provide have basic information on topics such as: what rights are protected in Chile, how to protect, where to go if they are infringed and what are the penalties with regard to these potential crimes, "said Santa Cruz.

This invitation is open to all public and private institutions related to intellectual property to put this information on their websites. This campaign is part of the efforts INAPI is making to promote the benefits and protection provided by the Industrial Intellectual Property Rights.

"We believe that it is not enough to know how to register, but it is also important to know the tools available to effectively enforce the rights you have. Our aim is that this website will be a starting point and that other institution both use it and complement it with relevant information for IPRs holders and consumers in general.", the Director of INAPI.
Further information is available from Diego Ponce G. (Communications Department of INAPI).

IP Tango comments: when you read something like "The enforcement system is composed by different rules and various actors, which often complicated the understanding that users may have of this system", your first thought should be that there may be a need for an Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, such as now exists in the United States, to investigate why different rules and various actors are necessary at all and to see how the enforcement system can be simplified.
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