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Friday, 20 May 2011

Patricia Covarrubia

Brazil: modernization of the Copyright Act

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The Minister of Culture is holding a seminar in Brasilia to finalize the preparation of the Draft Law. To this regards, the Ministry of Culture is accepting applications for interested parties to participate in the seminar ‘The Modernization of the Copyright Act: Final contributions to APL.’ The event will be held on May 31st and June 1st in the auditorium of the Superior Court of Justice in Brasilia, which is aimed to finalize the collaborative process of elaboration and improvement of the Draft Law (APL), which amends and adds provisions to Law No.9.610/98 (LDA).

Interested parties have until May 30 to submit their contributions. The period of suggestions - which aims to refine the text - starts the final stage of drafting the final proposal to be submitted to Congress by the government. According to the work schedule of the Ministry of Culture, the bill will be forwarded to the ‘Casa Civil’ which will direct the bill to Congress.

Patricia Covarrubia

Patricia Covarrubia