The Brazilian Instituto Nacional da Propiedad Industrial (INPI) received on Monday 28th of November, another application for Geographical Indication, this time for ‘Melon of Rio Grande do Norte’ located in the region of Mossoró. INPI informs that the request was sent by Francisco de Paula Cipriano Second from the Executive Committee of the Fruits of Rio Grande do Norte (Coex); Marine Franco Ramos, project manager; and Lorena Alves both from SEBRAE / RN.
The application of GI is in the form of Indication of Source (Indicação de Procedência). There are two forms of GIs in Brazil: Indication of Source and Denomination of Origin. The indication of source is characterized by the geographical name which is known for production, extraction or manufacture of a product. The 'mossoroense' melons are well known in Brazil but is important to mention that the whole location ‘Rio Grande do Norte’ is known “as the largest producer in the country of melon and fruit in general, and it is of great economic importance to the state”. I guess then that we will be expecting more fruits from this region to come and applied - no coconuts though.
INPI Resolution 075 of November 28, 2000 establishes the procedures for the registration of Geographical Indications.
I feel that melons are as cheeky as coconuts- that is the reason I remember the song "I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts" written by Fred Hetherton and interpreted by many singers...even by the muppets! The point been that you cannot sing this without smiling, and every time I bring news for one of the Latin American countries in the area of GIs it makes me smile. So I leave you with this song and perhaps make your day.
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