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Monday 17 June 2013

Patricia Covarrubia

Perú: IP matters in the region known as VRAEM

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News was read that in the River Valleys of Apurímac, Ene y Mantaro (known as VRAEM) did have busy IP days.

Trade Marks
A Trade Mark registration was granted to the ‘Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera Valle Río Apurímac (CACVRA)’ (Agrarian Coffee Cooperative of the Apurimac River Valley). The trade marks granted were the name "Coffee CACVRA" (actiually in English) and its logo. The co-op is already exporting organic coffee to Europe and the United States (this latter aimed to Starbucks), but with this mark, it is hoping to position itself better. The “cooperative has 2,500 members and a new production plant...founded in 1969 and is one of the most representative coffee cooperatives in VRAEM.” There is already a plan to submit a new application for trade mark registration for another agricultural product i.e cocoa (yet from the webpage I can see that they also work with other agricultural products such as chocolate and bananas). The cooperative explains that they are working directly with Valley farmers who produce coffee and cocoa, encouraging them to leave the coca leaves cultivation.

More Trade Marks
In the region, other businesses have decided to strengthen its presence in the market by registering their own names. Examples of these can be seen: a recycling company "flores del VRAEM", and the Asociación de Productores de Café Orgánico APOCAFE who registered the name QORY GREEN.

The teachers Quintino Luisar Suyo, Abdón Mamani Ayala y Rimberti Choquenaira Mamani, from a local school located in Tupac Amaru, Pichari, in the department of Cusco have been the first in this area of the country to register a literary work. The book titled "Chinka Chinka" covers a romantic story of characters leaving in the VRAEM area.


Patricia Covarrubia

Patricia Covarrubia