Sweet Colombia: bocadillo gets GI
Few opportunities I have had to try all the beautiful food from Latin America. I mean, there are so many countries that it would be no possible for me to have tried everything from each...
Few opportunities I have had to try all the beautiful food from Latin America. I mean, there are so many countries that it would be no possible for me to have tried everything from each...
"La transferencia de tecnología persiste como una asignatura pendiente de la comunidad internacional. Pero con el transcurso del tiempo no creo que sea constructivo insistir en que el norte le debe algo al sur....
This is some news that we got in here today: the Peruvian National Institute for the Defence of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) has announced that it is considering cancelling authorizations for the...
The Peruvian Intellectual Property Office (INDECOPI) announced that the Council of Ministers’ President approved the new Regulation of the National Registry of Copyright, including a ‘virtual’ system of registration of copyright and related rights. The...