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Monday, 29 June 2009


Patents and biological sequencing in Brazil

On 7 May 2009 the Brazilian Patent Office (BPO) published Resolution 210/2009, which establishes the new standard procedure for the presentation of nucleotides and amino acids sequence listings in patent applications. This resolution revokes the...

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Sunday, 28 June 2009

Aurelio Lopez-Tarruella Martinez

Venezuela: Más sobre la nueva legislación de propiedad intelectual

Tal y como hemos ido informado en IP Tango, tras el abandono de la Comunidad Andina, Venezuela está en un proceso de revisión de su legislación de propiedad intelectual. Existe muy incertidumbre y preocupación por...

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Friday, 26 June 2009


Acts of God and Brazilian national phase PCT applications

The Brazilian Patent Office published on 14 May 2009 Resolution 212/09, which establishes procedures for national phase entry of PCT applications after the 30-month time limit. According to this Resolution, an application that failed to...

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Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

Chile: Primer microorganismo patentado.

El Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Intelectual de Chile (INAPI) concedió a BioSigma la patente de invención del microorganismo Wenelén, logrando así la propiedad industrial del primer microorganismo chileno que acelera el proceso para recuperar cobre...

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Sunday, 21 June 2009


"I complain about Intellectual Property day": a cry from Venezuela

Richard N. Brown (De Sola Pate & Brown, Abogados-Consultores, Caracas, Venezuela) writes to tell IP Tango that Margarita Vilatimó Rivero, Venezuela´s Registrar of Patents and Trade Marks has posted on the website used by the supporters of the Venezuelan President her comments on Intellectual Property Day. ASIPI had organized a seminar in Caracas and the Registrar was moved to post her vision of Intellectual Property. You will note, Richard adds, that she attacks multinational companies and supports pirates! The text goes as follows:
"I complain about April 26: I complain about Intellectual Property day

Intellectual Property finds its roots in the perfection of legal texts that without doubt follow a model of capitalist society. Perhaps, no doubt, this condition has allowed us to state that intellectual property is a mechanism used by large capital to dominate the most deprived sectors of the worlds people.

It so happens when we observe the struggle of large multinational firms against the wrongly denominated “piracy”? This is, no other than the reproduction of musical, audio and video, or literary works. As a result of this absurd struggle against “piracy”? initiated by the large capitalists, our people have been deemed to be pirates or delinquents. It has been attempted to accuse the natural action of the human being to accede freely to culture and education, but incredibly, we all were shocked to view such a capitalist phenomenom that makes us slaves by impeding us from access to knowledge, technology, art, education, and culture.

The need of large capital to appropriate property which solely belongs to humanity because property is the result of cultural and technological values and the advance of history. It is an example of the existing savage neo-liberalism. It is for this reason that the Venezuelan Revolutionary, Bolivarian, socialist people ought to be aware of this fraud and ought to rebel against the laws that are not their own and that defenitively bind our conscience.

From the compact disc containing your favorite music to the medication that cures your cold, all are impregnated by intellectual property. The most famous top models sell their talent on the footbridge or pose in front of a photographer who in turn also sells his/her talent to the large emporiums distinguished by a trademark? Going over famous trademarks as “Victoria’s Secret? Even “Zara”?, these artists or performers depend on the millionaire contracts of large worldwide trademarks and consequently, they accumulate enormous wealth.

There begins a dependence that causes stupidity because while these large capitals, owners of those renowned trademarks, are concerned by using in the best manner both the model’s and the photographer’s talent, these in turn get rich in a kind of interdependency on the one hand to sell a lifestyle and on the other to condition the minds of that people that find inaccessible those products or services which they may desire to enjoy.

These are the bases of the alienation produced in the minds and souls of our citizens, who desire to posess an untrue life style transmitted by the media into those homes and places wherein this life style is impossible.

The need of our children, young people, and adults to possess products or enjoy services of a determined trademark which in turn are used by sportmen or sportwomen, the favorite actress or singer of that same youth, because it is mentioned in a TV spot or advertisement in television, press, billboard, or Internet, is what leads them to commit a crime or very serious mistakes, from robery to obtain money to acquire that life style even inducing them to kill to make himself feel he is the owner of the life style of others.

On the Intellectual Property day, on April 26, we saw a group of jurists and specialists preparing an event for April 27 on which it is intended to sell in a dangerous manner Intellectual Property to the Venezuelan people as a mean of achieving sustainable development? I ask myself sustainable? How?

Anyone who knows that monster called Intellectual Property knows that it is a mechanism of perverse domination exercised by large capitals over the peoples of the world. We must remember that thanks to intellectual property many persons in the world who are ill do not have access to medications because patents are no other than exclusive fees of exploitation that the States are obliged by Intellectual Property legislation to grant large multi-national pharmaceutical companies over technology translated into a medication. It impedes its access unless you pay high final costs.

And God pardon those incautious companies who may try to manufacture the same medication using similar technology, because there may fall upon them those important law firms represented by many of those highly paid jurists until having those incautious companies disappear from the market and erase that idea from their heads.

Now we are seeing the advances in intellectual property that the European Union has proposed on this fateful matter, each time more and more neoliberal. For example, they are proposing more time for protection and the exclusive monopoly of copyrights 70 years after the death of the author. They are also proposing to extend the term of patents 20 more years plus those additional years that pass from the filing of the application of patents up to the authorization of the commercialization of the product, a fact that is a deception due to the fact that the patent does not grant the product its commercialization, the commercialization of pharmaceutical products is granted in Venezuela by the National Institute of Hygiene Rafael Rangel abscribed to the Ministry of the Popular Power for Health. They propose to restrict even more the limitations and exceptions to copyright, with the possibility that these become absolute and not even for educational reasons, a text may be used and reproduced, because shall this be authorized, we would be in the obligation to pay copyright fees over every copy or public communication that we make of the work. They propose to restrict even more the use of data in those tests necessary for research to put into practice a medication, limiting the various States in their support of the manufacturing and production of generic medications by the National Pharmaceutical Industry, in order to lower prices and to facilitate its access.

Likewise it occurs with the copyright, where the authors, artists, and performrs are managed and manipulated in their need to subsist or to make their living from art, having to assign their rights to entertainment industry, large disc producers and publishers through the Intellectual Property legislation.

Consequently, these mechanisms, through which inventors and authors have works or inventions expropriated by legal entities that generally are the large aforementioned multinational companies, and are enhanced by a special law called Intellectual Property, and not satisfied with it, once these are expropriated, through meausures of intellectual property rights to be observed, the large capital impedes that the peoples of the world and even the creators itself of the works or the inventions accede to technological and cultural advances that imply these works or inventions, unless you pay a high price for its access.

If you do not do so, they call you a Pirate? or a Counterfeiter? of authentic? works. You may expect years of prison... then, please!!!, Intellectual property never can be considered a mean of sustainable development. It will be sustainable solely out of wealth and the accumulation of capital that only very few can make over the misfortune and oppression of the peoples of the world".
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Friday, 19 June 2009

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

Venezuela: La información de las patentes será pública para que cualquiera "haga uso de ellas”.

La incertidumbre en materia de propiedad industrial sigue creciendo en Venezuela, lo cual no extraña dada la vuelta a la Ley de Propiedad Industrial de 1955.

Ahora resulta que la "información técnica" de las patentes autorizadas en el país estará en la página web del Servicio Autónomo de la Propiedad Intelectual (SAPI) y cualquier persona podrá "hacer uso de ellas".

Según lo según lo dicho por la directora general del SAPI, Arlene Piñate, "Todas las personas pueden acceder a la página web, ir al área de consultas y realizar la búsqueda que necesiten. Esto es de gran importancia porque así los venezolanos pueden modificar y mejorar las nuevas tecnologías que se van desarrollando"

De acuerdo con el texto, la decisión se tomó para "eliminar la exclusión que implica el sistema de patentes". El pasado domingo en el programa Aló Presidente, Hugo Chávez aseveró que había que debatir sobre la propiedad intelectual y las patentes. "Las patentes para nosotros no pueden ser un encadenamiento ni una trampa".

Parece que la gota que derramó el vaso ha sido la patente del Tetra-Pak. Sin lugar a dudas el terma dará mucho de que hablar.

Más información aquí y aquí.
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Monday, 15 June 2009


Puma pounces on pipe mark infringer

In Puma AG Rudolf Dassler Sport v Cueros del Norte SRL (Case 14414/2003, March 27 2009), a decision of the Federal Civil and Commercial Court of Appeals of Buenos Aires, Cueros del Norte SRL was...

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Thursday, 11 June 2009

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

Nuevo requerimiento de búsqueda para presentación de solicitudes de marcas en Venezuela.

Según nos informan nuestros apreciados amigos del Estudio Antequera Parilli y Rodríguez, la Oficina Venezolana de Propiedad Industrial (SAPI) ha emitido un Aviso Oficial notificando que a partir del pasado 5 de mayo de 2009,...

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Monday, 8 June 2009

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

MEXICO: Consultas gratuitas en el IMPI

Gracias a nuestra compañera Paulina Rius (Langlet, Carpio y Asociados, S.C.) nos hemos enterado que por disposición oficial se han eliminado algunas tarifas del IMPI.Concretamente, quedó aprobada la eliminación de las tarifas correspondientes a las...

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Aurelio Lopez-Tarruella Martinez

PCT entra en vigor en Chile / PCT enters into force in Chile

Según nos informa Rodrigo Ramirez, tal y como indica una reciente circular administrativa, el 2 de junio comenzó a regir oficialmente el PCT en Chile (país número 140), siendo el INAPI (Instituto Nacional de Propiedad...

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Friday, 5 June 2009

Gilberto Macias (@gmaciasb)

La patente del TAMIFLU vigente hasta el 2015 en México.

Mucho se ha dicho sobre la denominada gripe porcina, gripe mexicana o influenza H1N1, por lo que en éste blog no expresaremos nuestro punto de vista al respecto. No obstante, nos hemos encontrado con ésta...

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Thursday, 4 June 2009


Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office new fee schedule

Published on 14 May in the Federal Gazette (in Portuguese, Diário Oficial da União) was Resolution nº 211 establishing the new official fees for the services performed by the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO)....

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