There is always the statement that IPRs has an enormous value to the national economy. To this effect theWorld Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the National Institute for the Defence of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) has decided to measure the value that comes from the protection of copyright in Peru. The study, entitled "Economic Contribution of the industries based on copyright in Peru," and run by the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, shows that the industries based on copyright do represent an important contribution to the national economy – well not rocket science.However, what I like about the study is the fact that it gives numbers. According to the document, by 2005 the contribution of the copyright industry accounted for 2.67% of the national total. The study compares this industry with other such as the financial sector (accounted 2.56%), the economy of rental housing (2.98%), finance (2.56%), electricity and water (2.25%), communications (2.0%) upon others.
Adding to this, the study also shows that the copyright industry contribution of employment was 4.5% (nearly 600.000 jobs). Imports also contributed on the economy: it reached U.S. $ 652 billion in 2005, i.e. 5.4% of total imports of the country.
Certainly, this type of studies stimulates citizens so as to receive the benefits of the system – not only economic ones but also cultural and social.
There is no doubt that copyright represents an improvement in the national economy. The only thing that I question is that we are in 2010, so why the data from 2005? While it is good to see that data reveals the importance of copyright and its protection, I would like to see the contribution of this sector in recent years; or is it that is has decreased?
It is good to clarify that by copyright industry, the study included press and literature, music, film, radio and television, as well as software and advertising.
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
How much exactly is worth in economic terms, copyright business in Peru?
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