Brazil and the UK – a new team?
I would love to think that Brazil and the UK can do a good mixture of techniques in a football pitch but I need to spoil my mind and think of IP! I am afraid...
I would love to think that Brazil and the UK can do a good mixture of techniques in a football pitch but I need to spoil my mind and think of IP! I am afraid...
As announced previously in this blog, the priority period for registration of the .co domain is still in place but until tomorrow ( March 31). The period, which has been running since 01 March, is...
Según nos cuenta Juan Ángel Garza Vite (Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León), la Comisión de Gobernación de Mexico ha aprobado recientemente el dictamen por el cual se expide la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos...
Changes in IP Law are the last of the requirements for Costa Rica to enjoy the benefits of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States, Central America and the Dominican Republic in the...
According to PRÓGENÉRICOS, the Brazilian Association of the Generic Drug Industry, more than 7 million pills of Viagra were sold in Brazil in 2007, representing a market value of approximatelly BR$ 210 millions. It is...
While the IP community is still digesting the Google AdWords ruling, one always wonder about the Internet Service Provider active or passive role (see case comments by our cousin IPKat).In the same vein, I found...
Three weeks ago, Chile suffered two incidents - an earthquake followed by a tsunami.The wine production was the most affected in terms of damages. The Chile Wine Association estimates a loss of $250 millions in...
Alejandra Castañeda ha hecho llegar a IP Tango un interesante artículo publicado en El Comercio en relación con la piratería en Perú. Según reza el resumen: "La piratería aparece ante una necesidad no satisfecha (por...
This January, Dominica's Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property published a notice clarifying the types of events relating to trad emark registration that will be published in the Journal of Intellectual Property. The following now...
Business Software Alliance (BSA), a non-profit entity created by the computer industry against piracy in the world, informs that since its campaign 'Do not risk your business using pirated software', there has been auditing companies...
The decision of the European Union to drop Chile from its Intellectual Property 'Red List' in its 2009 enforcement report represents an important acknowledgement of the efforts made by Chile in that regard, according to...
The National Directorate of Customs (DNA in Spanish), in order to combat piracy and facilitate foreign trade, has set up a register of marks. On 25 February 2010, the DNA has issued Resolution No 130...
The Brazilian government did not wait for the set deadline of March 23 (see it here) to address the cross retaliation against the US IP Rights and therefore it was published last Monday (March 15)...
News comes this date from Brazil. The first one, the governments of Brazil and Iran signed this week an amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation of Science, Technology and Innovation, which was settled...
El artículo 137º de la Decisión 486 de la Comunidad Andina establece que “(c)uando la oficina nacional competente tenga indicios razonables que le permitan inferir que un registro se hubiese solicitado para perpetrar, facilitar o...
Last Saturday, the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias, demanded for measures to control the content delivered via Internet and satellite television. These are the last media that have not been regulated by the Government. Certainly,...
The 132nd Annual Meeting of the International Trademark Association takes place in Boston, Mass., from 23 to 26 May. From the programme (which you can view in full here) it can be seen that the...
Yesterday the EU Parliament voted in favour of a demand to be kept fully informed about the secretive Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) which is being negotiated by the EU, Mexico, Japan, and the US among...
For the past weeks some of us have heard about the raunchy ad made by Paris Hilton in Brazil. The investment made by the Shincariol Group over its beer ‘Devassa Bem Loura’ has put the...
As informed yesterday (here), the Brazilian government published the list of 102 American products that will suffer import tariff increase. IP TANGO provides herein the list in English for examination and comments here....
It was with high expectation that Brazil published yesterday the final list of American products that will be subject to increased import duties, following the WTO’s decision that upheld Brazil’s move against the cotton...
While Summer time slowly drifts away in Brazil, unresolved issues in 2009 recommence to arise and take most of the recent headlines. IP matters have once more been catching the attention of the Brazilian population....
Brazil has launched a multimedia portal. This new Government website, groups all the information and services offered by the State that can be useful both for residents and foreigners. It is available in English, Spanish...
Early on this year, the blog announced Venezuela’s intention to ban any violent video games and toy weapons. Today, the law against this type of games enters into force throughout the national territory. Wilmer Iglesias,...
La sede de la Iglesia Católica en Brasil ha demandado a Columbia Pictures (Sony Pictures), compañía que creó la película ”2012”, por haber incluido imágenes del Cristo Redentor siendo golpeado y destruido por una...
El Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI) y la Asociación de Agentes Aduanales del Aeropuerto de México, A.C. (AAADAM) refrendaron el Convenio de Cooperación y Coordinación que mantienen desde el 2009.El interés de...
This is the title for the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United States (FAO) international conference taking place in Guadalajara, Mexico during 01 -04 March.“The focus of modern and conventional biotechnologies should be redirected...
A pirated version of 'La Guia de Gaston - un dato para cada antojo' (Gaston’s Guide – a note for every craving) by the renowned chef Gaston Acurio, is being marketed directly on the streets...
La página web “Dark Ville” ha sido cerrada y su administrador puesto a disposición del Ministerio Público de la Federación.La detención se realizó dentro del marco de acciones que realiza la autoridad para desalentar los...
IP Tango has received from Richard N. Brown (De Sola Pate & Brown, Abogados) this newspaper report (from El Nacional, 24 February 2010) that the Venezuelan Government has expropriated the 120-year-old Venezuelan coffee roasting company...