The president of the Competitiveness Committee - Chain Grapes, Wine and Singanis, Jorge Canedo, requested to the MP (Tarija sector) to bring before the Legislature amendments to the Criminal Code. The purpose is to reinforce sanctions against smuggling, counterfeiting and adulteration of these products.
Mr Canedo also is seeking for resources which are freely available as a contribution of the regional government. The idea is to promote the industrialization of this sector in order to keep pace in international competition. He explains that this sector “contributes to the country with over 50 million dollars a year”. Therefore, it is important tougher penalties against people who damage productivity and the development of this industry. Canedo lamented the lack of central government support. He claims and requests that the State recognise the designation of origin of products from this geographical area (note however that Singani was recognised in 1992 as a DO). The objective being to achieve better entries in both domestically and internationally markets.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Bolivia: winery industry asks for stronger sanctions against falsification and adulteration
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