This week (on the 26th) is the World Intellectual
Property Day and the Brazilian Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI) will be celebrating – big time! The main event will be surrounded
by the question: is the Institute on track? And what steps should be followed
in the forthcoming years?
The occasion will be celebrated at INPI’s auditorium located in
Rio de Janeiro. The morning will start with presentations from the like of:
INPI’s President Jorge Avila; WIPO’s director in Brazil, José Graça Aranha; the
coordinator of the Intellectual Property Program of the National Confederation
of Industries (CNI), Diana Jungmann; the President of the Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property (ABPI),
Luiz Henrique do Amaral; and the Executive Secretary of the National
Association for Research and Development of Innovative Companies (Anpei), Naldo
There will also be an appearance from the American Chamber of
Commerce (AmCham) which produces an annual feedback from users about INPI’s
services. A roundtable is also planned for the date. In the afternoon INPI will
launch the “Catálogo de Indicações Geográficas Brasileiras” (Book of Brazilian Geographical
Indications) – a partnership between INPI
and the Brazilian Service to Support Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae).
For more information here.
For the whole program here.