Last week, 16th February, the representatives of the Chinese Patent office (SIPO) visited the Brazilian Instituto Nacional da Propriedad Industrial (INPI).The group, which was formed by the vice president of the SIPO, Li Yuguang, and other three leaders of the office, met with INPI’s President Jorge Avila and directors of the Institute, aiming to discuss cooperation between SIPO and INPI.
In this regards, INPI informs that this is the “beginning of a process of cooperation between the two countries under the BRICs group”. The Chinese delegation attended the presentation on INPI’s activities in regards to patents and the Strategic Planning 2012/2015. Mr Avila discussed the forms of exchange and bilateral cooperation, especially in the areas of training and management and stressed the importance of the meeting for both countries – also emphasized by Li Yuguang. Next, the Brazilian delegation will visit Beijing, where SIPO is located.
In May last year, the Financial Times (FT) published an article called Brazil and China: the ‘perfect match’, in which it noted: “Each country has what the other lacks”. The article refers pretty much on the trade between the countries but certainly with this new movement Brazil is continuing to play its strategies and using important trade partners in other areas which at the end have the same aim: protecting industries.
Source INPI.