Welcome to our blog for Intellectual Property Law and Practice in Latin America! ¡Bienvenidos a nuestro blog de Derecho y Práctica de la Propiedad Intelectual en Latinoamérica! Bem-vindo ao nosso blog sobre Direito e Prática de Propriedade Intelectual na América Latina!
I am embarking myself in a new research involving the protection
of handicraft in Colombia. I am aware of
the Decision 486 regarding the protection of Geographical Indication and also
the registration of Collective marks but I am looking for any other type of legislation
that could help me with a particular point: the protection of cultural heritage
and thus, indigenous peoples’ rights. It is my understanding that Colombia has
ratified the ILO Convention No 169 BUT, has this changed or helped in any way the protection of indigenous heritage? I have also read that Colombia does have national
legislation recognizing and protecting ethnic and cultural diversity – can anyone
address me to this national legislation and/or any other that can be of help? Remember
the point I am trying to research is the protection of handicraft (through IP)
and indigenous peoples.
* IPTango founder Professor Jeremy Phillips was listed as one of the Managing Intellectual Property magazine's "Fifty Most Influential People" of 2005, 2011, 2013, and 2014.
* Listed as one of the "Communities of Blawgers". Los blogs jurídicos y la web 2.0. para la difusión y la enseñanza del derecho, Gonzalo Ramírez Cleves, 2010.
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