This week the Brazilian Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) has released statistical information. According to the information, due to the restructuring in progress, INPI has managed to reduce the average time for granting patents.
In 2009, the average was 9.3 years and it is now 8.3 years; the goal is set for 2014 - 4 years. The information also released the increase productivity of INPI. The number of examinations increased from about 8,000 in 2005 to over 19,000 in 2009. Granting patents have also raised from approximately 1,800 in 2006 to more than 3,100 in 2009.
INPI explains that the reduction in time and productivity is based on three factors:
1.- Hiring of staff: INPI conducts periodic competition to select qualified researchers, with at least Masters Degree in relevant technical area. In 2005, the number of examiners was 112 and reached 273 in 2010.
2.- Computerization: this month INPI started to use Eptos system that allows electronic processing of all applications. The system is already in testing phase (internally) and should full start in 2012.
3.- Review of procedures: preliminary examination for applications filed in Brazil along the lines of the PCT.
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