INPI informs that one of the most important centres of innovation in the country, i.e. Pernambuco, is becoming a focus of intense activity for the INPI. On November 23, 2011, Recife hosted a seminar on the importance of registration of software, which provides software owners greater legal certainty and the possibility of entering into public bidding. INPI's person in charge of this area is Rodrigo Moerbeck, who did a presentation for the local entrepreneurs.
Since October INPI has an agreement with the government of Pernambuco, which includes local Sebrae, the State Secretariat of Science and Technology and the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). The purpose is to provide training activities for local entrepreneurs and researchers.
Today, INPI will hold in Recife a pilot- project regarding contracts of services
on licensing of technology (for previous users only). In 2012, the project will be open to all interested parties.Copyright
INPI in partnership with the Copyright Office of the National Library (EDA) is promoting today - Monday November 28, the event ‘The Copyright and Industrial Property’. EDA is the institution that holds the Brazilian national archive collection and “has long experience in processing requests to register”. The meeting will also present the institutional activities and vision of each entity. INPI will make appearances and talks on trade marks, industrial designs and software registration.INPI reveals discounts
As mentioned in an early post, INPI has increased the fees but also announced that there were to be some discount [I love a 3x2]. The fees (increase and discounts) will be in force from January 2012. Certain parties will enjoy up to 60% discounts: individuals, micro entrepreneurs, small businesses and cooperatives as defined by law, teaching and research institutions, nonprofits organizations, as well as public bodies, in some circumstances. Check here to see the table.
Monday, 28 November 2011
bits and bots from Brazil
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