In Brazil, companies are demanding to revisit the legal framework of intellectual property (IP) and this is so, according to INPI’s president Jorge Avila, due to the economic development achieved by the country.
This demands kept afloat at the seminar "New Economic Thoughts - Brazil’s contribution to a Global Dialogue". The seminar was sponsored by the Fundação Ford consisting of various participants, national and foreign authorities, various institutions like the IMF, Argentine Central Bank and the World Bank, and members of Brazilian and foreigner Universities.The audience was a mixture of supporters and critics of the patent system [pictured at your right]. Yet, Mr Jorge Avila was keen to stress that the Industrial Property is not just about the patent, but also includes trade marks, transfer agreements, software and geographical indications. In the same line, he reiterated the importance of a mechanism of appropriation to ensure research and development and harmonization between the actors involved, since the process is often collaborative -- involving government, research institutions and the productive sector. Intellectual property is a key differentiator in winning the market, either through a specific mark or geographical indication and also, through innovation or product development.
Finally, Mr Avila emphasised that IP is the strategy to compete on better terms with competitors from around the world. IP is as a tool for economic and social development of the country.
Surely, overprotection of IP is as harmful as underprotection of it, right?
Source INPI.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Discussing the legal framework of IP: an overprotection?
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