Last week the Ministry of Sport approved the General Law of the World Cup. This Law establishes a set of standards required by FIFA for holding the World Cup 2014 in Brazil. Now we wait...and wait..for the approval by Congress next year. According to a statement there will be over 20 sessions held by a specialised Committee of the Camara (MPs) that would analyze the bill and it is expected that the approval of the text should take place in the first half of 2012.
FIFA, the entity that runs the football world and organizes the World Cup are in a hurry for the approval of the General Law of the tournament. Yet, Marco Maia president of the Camara said that the intent of both the Camara (MPs) and Senate (Federal) is to approve the law as soon as possible -- "we had an understanding of the need to have a rapid speed in the vote on the bill that deals with the General Law of the World Cup”.
The Law is a pretty good ‘goodie’ bag for IP
Chapter II of the law is titled: PROTECTION AND EXPLOITATION OF COMERCIAL RIGHTS. In section 1 we find: Special Protection of Industrial Property Rights Related to Events, however it appears that all the Chapter are related in one way or another to IP. Let’s see
Section II ‘Restricted Areas and Commercial Access Roads’: this section refers and ensures FIFA that only authorised business and people (legally) associated with the event can promote their brands, distribute, sell, publicize or advertise products and services as well as other promotional activities in immediate and main access roads of the Official Competition Games places.
Section III ‘Picture or Sound, Broadcasting and Local Access to Official Competition places’: this one refers to the fact that FIFA is the exclusive holder of all rights to the images, sounds
and other forms of expression of events, including the fact that FIFA is the one that may authorize and prohibit their transmissions or retransmissions.
Section IV ‘Crimes Related to Events’: this section covers the misuse of official symbols by way of association and/or intrusion.
Having an in-depth look into the law, it appears that it covers pretty much everything, so I guess that we will not see the priceless campaign (by master card – visa is an official sponsor), but surely to be in the World Cup is a priceless experience, don’t you agree?
Click here to read the Copa do Mundo (World Cup) Bill
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